Saturday, July 26, 2014

Spartans… Romans…

This week’s stuff… Slowing up a bit… I’ve been a bit under the weather.

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

This week’s work. 

An element of Spear for my Spartan DBA army. I have two other elements done for the army. I plan to finish up a few Greek Hoplite DBA armies over the fall/winter. The figures are from Black Tree Design.

Two more Sparatans, individually based for skirmishing – also from Black Tree Design.

Two Roman Auxiliaries. I’m not sure of the manufacturer. They’re old, I got them in a trade.

A couple more for the violent streets of Song of Shadows and Dust. The two archers on the sides are Old Glory dark age Welsh archers, the fellow in the middle is a roman armed slave from Wargames Foundry

Carpets - the first of three resin market stall bits I've been working on. I think I got this from Megaminis...? Not sure who's making them now.

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

More game reports?
I have a bunch of New Kingdom Egyptians on my workbench at the moment – my plan is to blast through those finishing up a DBA army and a bunch of extras on single bases that could be used for Song of Shadows and Dust.


  1. Nice work on all of these, Tim. I love the carpets, as well as the ominous looking Lambda's.

  2. These look fantastic Tim. I'm also a fan of the carpets, and I love the muted style of the shields to make the lambdas stand out. And well done managing to fit Black Tree figures onto a DBA base and make it not look like a group hug!

    1. Oh, there's a bit of a group hug going on BEHIND those shields...


    2. Nice work Tim the Romans you got from me they are old Hinchclife

    3. Ah, perfect! Thanks Don!

  3. Really like the dark painting style for the Spartans makes them more threatening! More figures for the Song of Shadows and Dust-excellent. Look forward to seeing them in action. The carpet bases are superb.

    1. Thanks Mark! Hopefully I'll have them on the tabletop this week!

  4. Ever thought of moving up to DBMM 100 instead of DBA?

  5. Love the pile of carpets. What a great objective!

    1. Thanks Herr Zinnling! They are fun. I wish I had more market stalls and such I could put out to clutter up streets... Someday perhaps.
