Sunday, September 21, 2014

Song of Blades and Heroes Campaign Week 2

This week we continued our Fall Song of Blades and Heroes Campaign (using the campaign system from Song of Deeds and Glory). Only Amanda and the kids were available to play so they took turns playing each other getting in  two games each.


The Boy’s Lizards faced off against The Girl’s Elves for game one…


The Champions of Lagozed were attacking Elysthyth’s Wander’s.
The Scenario was Sieze the High Ground – for each turn one warband held the designated high ground they got a bonus victory point (in addition to the 1 per 20 points of foes defeated).


Champions of Lagozed (The Boy’s Warband)

Garthoth – Lizardman Champion
Quality 3+, Combat 4, 82 Points, 1 xp
Amphibious, Tailslap, Tough

Lizardman Warrior #1
Quality 3+, Combat 4, 52 Points, 1xp
Amphibious, Tailslap

Lizardman Warrior #2
Quality 3+, Combat 4, 52 Points, 1xp
Amphibious, Tailslap

Lizardman Warrior #3
Quality 3+, Combat 4, 52 Points, 1xp
Amphibious, Tailslap
- Missing this game due to injury

238 points
10 gold

Elysthyth’s Wander’s (The Girl’s Warband)

Elysthyth – Elf Wizard
Quality 2+, Combat 2, 70 Points, 1 xp
Magic-user, Forester

Elf Elite Archer
Quality 2+, Combat 3, 70 Points, 1 xp
Shooter (Long), Unerring Aim, Good Shot

Elf Elite Archer
Quality 2+, Combat 3, 70 Points, 1 xp
Shooter (Long), Unerring Aim, Good Shot

Elf Warrior
Quality 2+, Combat 2, 38 Points, 1 xp

Elf Sneak
Quality 2+, Combat 2, 53 Points, 1 xp
Stealth, Forester

301 points
29 gold
Warband Advances: Tough as Nails


(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

End of Tune One – Elves are racing towards the high ground – the Lizards are slowly slinking their way there.

End of Turn Two – Elves have made it to the high ground… lizards… not so much…

Turn Three Elves collect a victory point for holding the high ground.

On their fourth turn, one Elf archer knocks down the Lizardman Champion – a second archer makes him lose a level of quality. The also collect another victory point for holding the high ground.

On the fifth turn, one of the Lizardmen made it up to the heights. He was quickly outnumbered, knocked down, and taken out of action by the Elves – it was a gruesome kill, actually, so the remaining lizardmen had to check morale and both fled off the table… end of game…

In the post-game explorations and so forth the Lizards collected only 10 gold for their troubles – not enough to replace any of the loses from the last two games. Things got worse in the exploration phase when the Lizardmen stumbled on a DEATH TRAP which further reduced their numbers to only two (the champion and one other lizardman…). At this point The Boy decided to retire this warband and make a new one…

The Elves faired a little better… the collected 30 gold, but then in the Exploration phase they were ambusehed – by Lizardmen!? In the ambush one of the Archers was wounded and would miss the next game.



Amanda’s Amazons were the attackers.
Treasure Hunt Scenario – locate treasure at one of three possible locations. 1 VP per 25 points of enemy taken out, plus 5 VP for whowever has the treasure at the end of the game (+d6x5 gold!)


Elysthyth’s Wander’s (The Girl’s Warband)

Elysthyth – Elf Wizard
Quality 2+, Combat 2, 70 Points, 2 xp
Magic-user, Forester

Elf Elite Archer
Quality 2+, Combat 3, 70 Points, 2 xp
Shooter (Long), Unerring Aim, Good Shot
- missing this game due to injury

Elf Elite Archer
Quality 2+, Combat 3, 70 Points, 2 xp
Shooter (Long), Unerring Aim, Good Shot

Elf Warrior
Quality 2+, Combat 2, 38 Points, 2 xp

Elf Sneak
Quality 2+, Combat 2, 53 Points, 2 xp
Stealth, Forester

301 points
59 gold
Campaign Points: 2
Warband Advances: Tough as Nails, Explorers

Amanda’s Amazons

Lasthena – Amazon Infantry Leader
Quality 3+, Combat 4, 70 Points, 1 xp

Kyra – Amazon Warrior
Quality 3+, Combat 3,  30 Points, 1 xp

Herophile – Amazon Warrior
Quality 3+, Combat 3, 30 Points, 1 xp

Niobe – Amazon Warrior
Quality 3+, Combat 3, 30 Points, 1 xp

Eurycleia – Elite Amazon Archer
Quality 3+, Combat 3, 50 Points, 1 xp
Shooter (Long), Unerring Aim

Polydora – Elite Amazon Archer
Quality 3+, Combat 3, 50 Points, 1 xp
Shooter (Long), Unerring Aim

Cybele – Amazon Light Infantry
Quality 3+, Combat 2, 28 Points, 1 xp
Shooter Medium

Emile – Elite Amazon Archer
Quality 3+, Combat 3, 50 Points, 0 xp
Shooter (Long), Unerring Aim

338 points
22 gold
Campaign Points: 1
Warband Advances: Tough as Nails


(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

Amazons first move – already in contact with the first treasure location!

Not to be outdone, The Girl rushed her Elves in there as fast as she could… which, unfortunately, meant the Elf Wizard ended up way out in front of everyone else…

This kind of proved to be her undoing as in the Amazons next turn and archer knocked the Wizard down and a Warrior rushed in…

…and took her out of the action!

The first location turned out not to hold the treasure.

No such luck at the second location.

So everyone started for the third treasure chest.

When the Elves lost their Archer to one of the Amazons Archers, they decided it was time to call it a day…

In the Post Game The Elves collected 30 gold! The Elf Elite archer made a full recovery! Unfortunately the Wizard required extensive surgery (or healing spell components) which cost 50 gold! During their explorations they came across a Cursed Glade – which they decided to avoid using their Explorers warband advance, but that in turn lead them through some nasty swamps where one of her archers picked up a nasty cough… but being an Elf she quickly recovered and suffered no long-term adverse effects.

The Amazons suffered no injuries, collected 60 gold between income and the treasure chest, then found a Blessed Glade in their explorations (which gave one member a charm stone)


Fr our third game – which we actually played Sunday morning – The Boy’s new Orc warband faced off against the Amazons


The Amazons were attacking.
The scenario was Breakthrough – Amazons got 1 victory point per 15 points worth of figures they get off the far end of the table, the Orcs got 1 victory point per 20 points worth of foes defeated.


Amanda’s Amazons

Lasthena – Amazon Infantry Leader
Quality 3+, Combat 4, 70 Points, 2 xp

Phoebe – Amazon Sub-Commander
Quality 3+, Combat 3, 60 Points, 0 xp

Kyra – Amazon Warrior
Quality 3+, Combat 3,  30 Points, 2 xp

Herophile – Amazon Warrior
Quality 3+, Combat 3, 30 Points, 2 xp

Niobe – Amazon Warrior
Quality 3+, Combat 3, 30 Points, 2 xp

Eurycleia – Elite Amazon Archer
Quality 3+, Combat 3, 50 Points, 2 xp
Shooter (Long), Unerring Aim

Polydora – Elite Amazon Archer
Quality 3+, Combat 3, 50 Points, 2 xp
Shooter (Long), Unerring Aim

Cybele – Amazon Light Infantry
Quality 3+, Combat 2, 28 Points, 2 xp
Shooter Medium

Emile – Elite Amazon Archer
Quality 3+, Combat 3, 50 Points, 1 xp
Shooter (Long), Unerring Aim

398 points
22 gold
Campaign Points: 2
Warband Advances: Tough as Nails, Retain the Initiative

Gurk’s Explorers (The Boy’s New Orc Warband - all painted by himself)

Gurk – Orc Warcheif
Quality 3+, Combat 4, 100 points, 0 xp
Leader, Tough

Augurt – Ogre
Quality 4+, Combat 4, 50 points,
Big, Long Move

Orc Warrior #1
Quality 4+, Combat 3, 23 points, 0 xp

Orc Warrior #2
Quality 4+, Combat 3, 23 points, 0 xp

Orc Warrior #3
Quality 4+, Combat 3, 23 points, 0 xp

Orc Warrior #4
Quality 4+, Combat 3, 23 points, 0 xp

Goblin Warrior #1
Quality 4+, Combat 2, 15 points, 0 xp

Goblin Warrior #2
Quality 4+, Combat 2, 15 points, 0 xp


The Boy picked the river crossing board thinking it might provide a bit of a barrier to the Amazons - not considering that Amanda might choose one of the river end edges to start on. Once she did, he set up more or less as close to the centre as possible to give himself a chance to run to which ever side of the river the Amazons set up on.

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

After the Amazon’s first turn – racing up one side of the board.

The Orcs move to intercept!

Amazon’s second turn – a Goblin warrior is knocked down by an Amazon archer firing at point blank range. An Amazon warrior is knocked down by an orc…

The Ogre enters the fray! GRAAARRRR! He only made it into contact – and on the ORcs next turn he rolled two ones and a two (no action, turn over)

Amazons making for the board edge to exit (and score lots of victory points!)

Two Amazons are more or less left behind to distract and hold up the Orcs and Goblins (and Ogre!)

One bunch of Amazons leave the table…

The Ogre tries to chase down some of the Amazons making for the edge of the board.

The Ogre caught up with the newly recruited junior leader.

And smashed her head in with his massive club! The nearby Amazon slinger passed the morale test called for from the gruesome death!

One of the Amazons in the blocking force is finally overwhelmed and taken out.

The remaining Amazon archer – the last one on the table – flees away from the edge where she needs to leave – because there’s an OGRE over that way – and it seems certain death to go that way.

But the Orcs chase her down.

She is also overwhelmed and taken down.

The Amazons scored 17 victory points for the bunch they were successfully able to get off the edge of the board. The Orcs only scored 7 victory points for the Amazons taken out. The two Amazons in the blocking party miraculously survived!! Teh Amazons took in 10 gold in income and during the exploration phase ran into a Merchant Caravan who swindled them out of 15 gold!

The Orcs collected 30 gold in income. One of those gold they wasted at a Roadside Shrine they encountered which offered nothing in return for their offering…

Next weekend was the last weekend I had planned to run this preliminary campaign. Unfortunately three of the guys I thought might play in the campaign haven’t made it to a single game yet!? Another has only made it to one… I had planned on wrappingup this campaign next weekend and starting a new, longer campaign in October… I guess we’ll see what happens and who shows up next week. 

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Still working on those Greeks… not getting much painting done… so the next post might be next week’s campaign report… 

1 comment:

  1. Awesome looking games. I wish I'd had that kind of stuff to play when I was a kid. :D
