Monday, October 20, 2014

Greek Warriors, Roman Auxiliaries

Just a few items rolling off the workbench this week. I’ve been busy with other projects… I'm back to the ancients at least - though I've been a little distracted this past weekend with other miniature possibilities - more on that shortly.

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

Two Greek warriors from Black Tree Design.

Four Roman Auxiliaries also from Black Tree Design.

Speaking of other projects… some of them involved painting…

These are some new bookshelves I built upstairs for my graphic novel collection (I am a bit of a comic geek…). I have to build some bookshelves for the kids next (which won’t be quite as big as these) and after that I’ll be building another set in the basement war room for all my military history books (they’ll be even BIGGER than these!!)

(I have a few books…)

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

I am just finishing up the basing on a Great War Gun team I’ve been trying to finish up for the Lead Adventure Forum Great War Painting Club. Hopefully have those up in the next day or so… 


  1. Replies
    1. This is true. There are much worse things I could collecting that I'd need to be building shelves for... moulds and fungus samples... severed heads... outdated cellphones and digital readers...

  2. Nice paintwork! Gah I can't wait to get out of this apartment and into a proper house again so I actually have room for good bookshelves...and war rooms...

    1. Thanks.

      Yeah, houses are nice. They're also a lot of WORK.... For every little project I finish, there's always three more that pop up...

  3. Looking good Tim, I won't recognize the place!
    Excellent shield painting too!

    1. Thanks Terry. I'm sure you'll fins something still familiar about it next time you pop around for a visit.

  4. Love these Greek warriors especially, fantastic work!

    1. Thanks Phil. I do hopre to get back to doing more of these. I have FOUR DBA armies worth of them to do! (but I have to admit I've been a bit distracted this week!)

  5. I still enjoy to pop back to your blog every now and then and get buckets of inspiration. I still use your hott base ratios as a guide for my armies now. Great stuff

  6. Great colors on the bookshelf! My wife would never let me get away with something like that...
