Monday, November 3, 2014

Great War Canadian Vickers Team

Probably my last entry to the Lead Adventure Forum Great War Painting Club - unless everyone else is a slacker and I get super motivated this evening…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

Great War Canadian Vickers Team

The figures are from Great War Miniatures.

This team is meant to be from the 7th Company, 3rd Canadian Machine-Gun Battalion. (They should have a small green arrow above the grey patch, but I forgot to paint it…)

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

There’s a lot of stuff cluttering my workbench at the moment. I’m going to have to have a tidy up pretty soon.

Next? Could be Greeks. Could be Romans. Could be Medievals for Lion Rampant. Could be more Canadians for the Vimy Project (I’ve been having a look at things and I need to paint about two battalions a month until March 2017 to get them all done in time… So I’d best get cracking on those!). 


  1. Very nice :)
    Nice to see some WW1 projects on the go!

    1. Thanks Mike! There will be a lot more Great War stuff coming up on here in the weeks/months/YEARS ahead. Stay tuned!

  2. They look great, Tim. Either ready to stop Jerry in his tracks or have a brew (my Dad trained on Vickers guns and told me that when they were ready for tea, they would fire off a belt or two and then drain the water from the cooling jacket around the barrel to make tea with. :) Looking forward to seeing more Canadians. Two battalions a month is a fairly high bar to clear!

    1. Thanks Padre!

      I'd heard about gunners doing the same as well - or perhaps I read it in a Charley's War comic...?

      There will be some Germans in that mix of two battalions a month as well!
