Friday, December 12, 2014

More Mediaevals

A few more mediaeval figures rolling off the workbench for Lion Rampant.

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

Foot Men-at-Arms from Crusader Miniatures that I recently picked up as part of a Lion Rampant deal that North Star Figures was (and still is) offering.

A unit of Crossbow for my green-coloured opposing force. Also from Crusader Miniatures and part of the same Lion Rampant deal that North Star Figures. I tried to do these in slightly more muted tones of green and yellow - compared to the Knights I did earlier - because... well... these are just pee-ons... The fancy-schmancy dyes and fabrics are saved for (can only be afforded by) the noble classes. 

Two sample Irish Kerns from Old Glory. I have a pile of these - but as they all need fists drilled and javelins manufacturered, I've been kind of dragging my feet at getting on with them. They’ll see action in both Fierce Foot or Bidower units in a Lion Rampant Medieval Irish Retinue – at some point.

More Old Glory (I think…) religious types – ready to spread the good word.

Friar Tuck from Trent Miniatures.

Casualties from Crusader Miniatures - not part of the Lion Rampant Deal, but ordered at the same time. 

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Galleys and Galleons…


Maybe some Great War stuff (and more Mediaevals!).


  1. Another very nice looking collection - they are rolling off indeed :)

  2. Nice paint jobs. I think I like the crossbowmen the best.

  3. Love the rabbit on the shield. Is that a transfer or painted?

    1. Thanks Joe! The rabbits are all hand painted.

  4. Those all look great...outstanding.

  5. The carrot heraldry is hilarious. It made me LOL as my daughter would say...

    1. Thanks Millsy! I was trying to think of other devices thematically related to rabbits... I'd also thought of lettuce or cabbage, but had a hard time trying to imagine how I'd do it on such a small sheild and not just have it look like a green blob.

      I was thinking on the opposing force I'd add some hawks and badgers and foxes and other predators of rabbits...?

  6. Marvellously painted figs! Do I detect a Pythonesque influence...? :D

    1. I have been painting bunnies on medieval figures for 25 years... but then that's about how long ago I saw Monty Python and the Holy Grail... so... yes, probably some influence there!
