Saturday, January 24, 2015

Something Fishy This Way Comes…

I can’t believe these are the first 28mm figures I’ve finished this year. The sad part is some of them were mostly done before the end of last year – I’ve just now gotten around to finishing them off!? Ah, well…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

There’s something fishy going on here…

These are “Fish Men” from Black Tree Design that I’ll be using as Deep Ones in any sort of Cthulhu campaign that requires them – hopefully starting with Cthulhu Invictus (whenever I get that started!?). These ones actually took the longest. I started them in the fall and agonized over how to do the turtle shell shields. I'm still not happy with them... but it's time to say "enough" and just move on and do something else! 

These are Deep One Hybrids that I picked up recently from Brigade Games (though I think they might be manufactured by Rattrap Games…?).

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Still working on some Great War Canadians of the 3rd Division. Some more epic Eldar wormed their way onto the workbench, but I’m not sure they’ll stay their long enough to get painted – I need to sort out some priorities and get focused again… 


  1. Fishy indeed! Very nicely painted - an original bunch! Greetings :)

  2. Very cool. Nice work on those Tim. I particularly like the paint job on the fish men hybrids.

    1. Thanks Mark! I'm pretty happy with how they turned out as well.

  3. Thanks for sharing. It's always fun to see some companies get the spotlight that normally may not be on people's radar.

    1. Cheers! It's true! I have to admit I only knew about the Deep One Hybrids because Curt over at Analogue Hobbies posted a couple he had painted last year!

  4. Excellent paintwork! I know how trying to decide on a paint job can hold up a project. There are figures I've had sitting partially painted for a long time (months and even years) because I couldn't get the painting worked out the way I wanted. So take credit for finishing them! They turned out great.

    Have you seen the video for "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Fishmen"? At

    1. Thanks! I have seen the video before, but had quite forgotten about it.

      This is also a favourite of mine:

      (If I were a Deep One)

      I listened to it many times while trying to motivate myself to paint the Fishmen.

    2. Thanks! I didn't know about those "Roof" songs, just the Solstice ones.

  5. Excellent! Very....atmospheric!

  6. Nice - I like the guys with the large fish hook!

    1. With the bandages and suitcase? Yeah, he's my favourite as well!

