Friday, March 6, 2015

Bring Out Yer Dead

I finished up some medieval casualties while watching Game of Thrones Season Four last night (well… listened to… not so much watching while I’m painting). I picked it up from the local library which just got it in (and I must have been pretty high on the reserve list) and, as there are likely a hundred other requests for it, I won’t be able to renew it and thus have 10 hours of TV watching (listening…) to do this week…

I’d also meant to update the  28mm World War Two Gallery with the complete force or Paras, but there’s freezing rain falling on Saskatoon today and despite the bright, but overcast, conditions being perfect lighting conditions – I didn’t want to expose figures or camera to that much wet… so perhaps tomorrow (or later today – if the rain lets up). I DID update the gallery with my British Commandos (which I took pictures of yesterday) and I did nip outside this morning quickly to take pics of these guys:

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

These figures are from Casting Room Miniatures. They seem to have some sort of relationship with Wargames Foundry  - some of their ranges are available through the Foundry web site – but these and a bunch of other ranges only seem to be available through ebay (though they shipped from the foundry..?)

These are mostly for my two forces I’m putting together for Lion Rampant  but I also like littering the field of battle with casualties to mark where warband members fell in A Song of Blades and Heroes (or perhaps Song of Arthur and Merlin for these fellows…)

The spears, shields, swords (other than those in scabbards), arrows and the crossbow all came from my bits box – no extra bits like that were included in the packs. The Swords were from Gripping Beast, the shields from Crusader miniatures, the arrows and crossbow from Games Workshop)

Yes the falling guy with the arrow in his throat also has a Bunny Rampant on his shield…

Oh, and…

I also finished up this WW2 German Artillery Observer. The figure is from West Wind Productions. I need to find a signaler to go with him…

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Hmmmm…. Hard to say… I have an odd assortment of stuff on the workbench and a strong desire to play all sorts of games (but a very messy game table…). Who knows which passions will prevail (probably more painting updates of whatever strikes my fancy over the next few evenings.…) 

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