Friday, March 6, 2015

Canadian (or British) Paratroopers for Bolt Action

Earlier this week I finished up my British/Canadian Paratroopers for WW2 and I finally updated the 28mm World War Two Gallery with pictures of the complete force (so far…). And so hot on the heels of a post about how I’d organize my Commandos for Bolt Action, I thought I’d do the same and organize my Paras for Bolt Action!

THE PLAN for these was originally to just put together a single platoon of Paratroopers that could be passed off as members of either 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion (for D-Day or Varsity or the Race to Wismar) or any British Parachute battalion for WW2. Some how I just kind of ended up with TWO platoons… long story… it’s in the 28mm World War Two Gallery is you care to read it…

The entire force (so far…) – 1762 points (if I took EVERYTHING)

1st Platoon

Platoon HQ:
Platoon Commander (subaltern), Platoon Sergeant, Batman/Runner/Signaller
(Veteran First Lieutenant and two other veterans) 116 points

3x Para Section, each with:
Sergeant and Corporal (both with Stens), a Bren-gunner and seven Riflemen (including Bren #2 – all with SMLE Rifles)

First section
(Paratroop Section – 10 Veterans, 2 Sten SMGs, 1 Bren LMG) 166 points

Second Section
(Paratroop Section – 10 Veterans, 2 Sten SMGs, 1 Bren LMG) 166 points

Third Section
(Paratroop Section – 10 Veterans, 2 Sten SMGs, 1 Bren LMG) 166 points

2nd  Platoon

Platoon HQ:  Platoon Commander (subaltern), Platoon Sergeant, Batman/Runner/Signaller
(Veteran Second Lieutenant and two other veterans) 91 points

3x Para Section, each with:
Sergeant and Corporal (both with Stens), a Bren-gunner and seven Riflemen (including Bren #2 – all with SMLE Rifles)

First section
(Paratroop Section – 10 Veterans, 2 Sten SMGs, 1 Bren LMG) 166 points

Second Section
(Paratroop Section – 10 Veterans, 2 Sten SMGs, 1 Bren LMG) 166 points

Third Section
(Paratroop Section – 10 Veterans, 2 Sten SMGs, 1 Bren LMG) 166 points

Apparently instead of having a light mortar and PIAT in the platoon HQ each Platoon had several 'reserve weapons' allocated to it, namely a Bren gun and a PIAT (and Stens!) (and 2” mortar?) – so some “riflemen” may be issued these to be carried instead or in addition to their SMLE or Sten. Instead of sneaking these into platoon support weapons into specific squads I’ve kept them as separate entities (as in most games they’d be treated as separate teams anyway)

PIAT Teams
(Veteran PIAT Team) 52points each
Of course as these are technically members of the regular platoons, so I could either assume the platoons are overstrength (for that first drop in a major operation) and just add these on OR reduce the number of men in a section for each team by two (-28 points per section/team – for a net addition of +24 points per PIAT team)

2” Mortar Teams
(Veteran Light Mortar Team) 46 points each
As with the PIATs these would replace members of the platoons – in fact, as I have no second members of these mortar teams I would HAVE to steal at least one of the figures from each platoon to field these (for a net +32 points per team – or a net +18 points per team if I were to remove two members of the regular para section to field these).

Snipers – I think these too would be part of the regular platoons
(Veteran Sniper Team) 65 points
As with the PIATs and light mortars above these would replace members of the platoons and – just like the mortar teams - I have no spotters for these sniper teams so I would HAVE to steal at least one of the figures from each platoon to field these (for a net +51 points per team – or a net +37 points per team if I were to remove two members of the regular para section to field these).

Other Supporting Elements Attached Company/Battalion/Divisional Assets:

3” mortars
(Veteran Medium Mortar Team) +65 points each
Technically, I can only field one mortar per platoon – so if I field the light mortars with the platoons they can’t be supported by these…?

Vickers team
(Veteran Machine-Gun Team) +65 points

6 Pounder Anti-Tank Gun
(Veteran QF 6PDR) +90 points

Medical Orderly
(Veteran Medic) +30 points

(Veteran Flamethrower Team) +65 points
These should be in teams of two – each team having one guy with the flamethrower and an assistant with a rifle or Sten. So again with the stealing and modifying... 


I’m pretty much done with these…

Perhaps SOMEDAY it might be nice to pick up a few other things:

A medical orderly or stretcher bearer to aid the exsisting medic
(+2 veterans) +26 points

A  Company Command Team
(Veteran Major plus two other Veterans) +191 points

Maybe a jeep or two or three (one to tow the AT gun, one for the company commander and a recce jeep)…? Forward Observers…? but don’t hold your breath…

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

This had been fun (in an OCD exercise sort of way)…Should I count up the points and permutations for the Soviets…?

I picked up some American Para support units that I am converting to use as First Special Service Force members… and have a pile of other stuff on the workbench. 


  1. Great work on these. A nice breakdown of each unit A+

  2. Amazing work! I've painted a lot of these guys in 15mm, so I can appreciate the work that's gone into these. Very, very nice.

    1. Thanks!

      It hurts my brain even thinking about trying to paint camouflage in 15mm!

  3. Pretty much done? An army is never done :)

    1. Hey I said "pretty much" not "absolutely, positively done and I couldn't possibly ever buy or paint another thing for it!"

      Armies are like house renovations - you're only for sure finished with them when you die!

  4. Great looking Paras Tim...nicely done.
