Sunday, April 26, 2015

Tiger I

I hope everyone over in Blighty (who has been able to make it) has been enjoying Salute this weekend – I’m looking forward to all the pretty pictures that I’m sure will be all over the blogosphere in the coming week!

I’ve been enjoying a rather unseasonable snowstorm this weekend

Maybe “enjoying” isn’t quite the right phrase…

I think Mother Nature’s been at the sauce again.

You're drunk Mother Nature! Go home!

Yep… looks like ol’ Persephone’s gone back for one last cuddle with the Lord of the Underworld…

And I just took the winter tires off all our bikes... not that we're going anywhere in this mess!

By Tuesday it's supposed to be +20°C!? Welcome to Saskatchewan weather. 

But that hasn’t stopped me from taking pictures and updating my blog!!

I finished up this Pzkw VI (Tiger I) from West Wind Productions’ Berlin or Bust line last night.

(Actually I finished it up while watching Fury… well… listening to Fury and occasionally looking up to watch the action…)

I picked up this kit a few years back – at the same time I bought the Sherman Troop and the T-34 Platoon. West Wind was having some big sale and the Canadian dollar was doing well (or the Pound Sterling doing poorly… depending on who you ask, I suppose) and I seem to recall they worked out to about $20 per tank!?

The West Wind tanks are a bit on the small side – compared to most other 28mm WW2 tank manufacturers… but since MOST of my later war tanks for the European fronts are all from West Wind, it doesn’t really matter…

That may not be the commander that came with the kit... I have an assortment of German tank commanders that got all jumbled together...

I also have two Panthers and two Pzkw IV to finish up. I didn’t do this tiger first because I have any real need or desire to have the Tiger done first… it was mostly because… well there was only one of them and of the three kits it was by FAR the easiest looking to assemble – the other two have all sorts of bits and bobs that I – for the most part – have NO IDEA where they’re supposed to go!? (and there were NO INSTRUCTIONS included with the models!?)

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

I have a couple more SS in the works to finish up that force… then…? I’ve been eyeing up the Fallshirmjäger… and the American Paratroopers… but a few 40K Imperail Guard have infiltrated their way onto the workbench… so…


  1. Sweet. The steadiness of your hand is amazing--my numbers always look like an epileptic monkey jacked on espresso did then. Sorry to see the snow; we missed that front (whew--hell on the trees as they leaf out).

    1. Thanks Bob! I had some tulips coming up in the front yard too... hope they're okay!

  2. Tim
    My wife and I were looking to drive to either Moose Jaw or Saskatoon yesterday. Luckily we checked the weather first, so it was off the Jaw.
    Hope it goes soon, cheers, PD

    1. A wise choice! You guys didn't get any of this snow? I'm sure it will be gone by Tuesday... but it's a pain the the butt today!

    2. No snow here or in Moose Jaw. But then again while you switched to summer tires, we still gave snow tires on our cars.

  3. Excellent Tiger and unbelievably late snow for you. We, in the Pacific Northwest had an unseasonably mild winter. Hooray for us!

    1. Thanks Jonathan!

      We've had later snow... We've had more snow at this time... but this last month has been so mild - it was just weird to get so much out of the blue!? And now it's a big wet melting mess!

  4. Great looking Tiger, Tim and it looks a little chilly too!

    1. Thanks Ray! It gets a LOT colder here - but the combination of cool and wet sticky snow just sucks! Looks like you had a good time at Salute!

  5. Brr! Haven't seen Fury yet. I went to Bovington Tank Museum about eighteen months ago and while I wandered off somewhere my wife was given a guided tour inside the Tiger 1 which was being prepared to go off to the Fury film set the following week. That is a splendid paint job!

    1. Thanks!

      I wasn't wowed by Fury... but seeing a real live Tiger roaring around in a field was kind of cool.

      The SS in the film seemed to have gone to the Imperial Stormtrooper school of armed combat... and... oh, I could go on... It just seems odd when the bar on war movies has been raised so high how one could come in so low...

  6. Lovely work :)
    Wrong camo for the weather you're having...?! :))

    1. Indeed! I was kind of trying to shoot for something that could be passed off as useable in Normandy and Arnhem and somewhere in the steppes of Russia or possibly even Tunisia...?

  7. Mmm, snowstorm in late April, that's pretty normal in my neck of the woods. Nice Tiger though, a little plaster dust on that board and you could have used all that snow as a backdrop to the photograph.

    1. I suppose... the camo on the tank might have been a bit wrong... Although - perhaps if it had just been caught in an unseasonable snow storm...?

  8. Nice work on the Tiger Tim, as for the snow, better you than I, think the snow that fell was South of Edmonton. So with all this WW2 getting painted on, do I sense a WW2 Gaming Weekend in the offing?

    1. No, this really is just "cherry-picking" - finishing up some forces that are easy to finish up - I have no great desire to jump back into WW2 gaming on a grand scale.

      I have been thinking about a straight-up fantasy Song of Blades and Heroes campaign weekend in June... but haven't gotten myself motivated enough to actually invite anyone...?!

      I'm also thinking I will definitely demo a few games at ToonCon in the fall - probably Bolt Action using all these newly painted toys (well... SOME of them at least!) and probably Song of Blades and Heroes - or something else from Ganesha Games.
