Monday, May 11, 2015

Cthulhu Cake

(on a not-entirely-related note...)

That moment when you start to feel you may have succeeded as a Geek Dad:

When your 9-year-old daughter asks for Cthulhu on her birthday cake...


  1. Happy Birthday!
    That must be classified as a major success!
    Congratulations to you for geek-points and to your daughter for having a geek-dad.

  2. I salute you, Sir! The Geekage is strong in you!

  3. What a proud moment! Happy birthday to your daughter :-)

  4. She clearly comes from impeccable stock...

  5. Ha ha - That's brilliant! Happy Birthday (and well done Tim)!

  6. Happy Birthday. You are clearly doing everything right as a father! :)

  7. Thanks everyone! It was a pretty awesome birthday. though we didn't get to PLAY any games - she did get a few games for her birthday which she was pretty excited about (Miskatonic School For Girls and Terry Pratchett's Witches: The Board Game. She'd also gotten some early birthday money before our trip to vancouver of which she spent about half of at Imperial Hobbies on miniatures.

    I should get around to posting some pics of the miniatures she's painted. They're not awesome - but they're far better than what I was painting at 9 years old!!!
