Friday, June 26, 2015

Odd and Sundry Bits…

I got in a solid afternoon of painting the other day with the kids (as well as an evening or two of painting while Amanda watched – and I listened to – a few episodes of the first season of Dollhouse) and finished up this odd assortment of bits rolling off the workbench… It’s nice that all our regularly scheduled activities are finally wrapping up and we have some time to do this!

Two WW2 Japanese on bicycles from Company B.

I have a dozen of these to do, but so far only have the officer and the LMG-gunner finished. The WW2 projects have been shelved for the moment as I’m moving on to other things…

Medieval Babes – actually both of these figures are supposed to be Maid Marions. The one on the left is from Trent Miniatures and the one on the right is from Casting Room Miniatures.

Wizard and the peasant. The wizard is an old figure… I’m not sure of the manufacturer – I want to say Grenadier, but I’m not 100% about that. The Peasant is from Crusader Miniatures.

The wizard I was originally apinting up to use as Raistlin – for a Dragonlance campaign I was running for the kids – but never quite got him finished before the campaign fizzled… I’ve been digging out wizards lately and trying to get a few painted up as Frostgrave is coming out in a few weeks and I thought I’d have a go at it with the kids.

A couple of signalers from the 3rd Canadian Division – figures from Great War Miniatures

A Commissar attached to a Tallarn Regiment that’s “gone a little native” (actually a converted Lawrence of Arabia figure from Artizan Designs that I’ve added a Games Workshop bolt pistol to…).

Last of the  Crusader Miniatures Irish Wolfhounds – I’d painted the rest a while back - you can see the complete unit on the 28mm Medieval and Medieval Fantasy Gallery - they’re near the bottom in the Medieval Irish Lion Rampant Retinue!

Another homemade cultist that didn’t quite make it into the last batch

Reaper Bones translucent plastic horrors!

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Probably more odd and assorted items… 40K Catachans, Robin Hood and Crew, and such. 


  1. Great shot of the kids looking very industrious. It's an awesome looking painting table as well.

    1. Thanks! The table's a bit of a mess... that's one of the projects for this summer... tidy up the basement.

  2. Quite like that Commissar - it's a fun idea. My 9 year old was quite intrigued by the pic of your girl painting ;)

    1. Thanks! My daughter (who is also nine!) has been painting for about three years now and has really come a long way. I got in on the last Reaper Bones kickstarter just for the kids to have a pile of cheap stuff to paint and experiment with and mess up without me crying. I should really get around to posting some of her warbands...

  3. At last some one whose's paint table is as disorganised as mine!:). I like the converted Lawrence figure very much and the IJA on bicycles.

    1. Unfortunately I have two whole rooms in the basement that look like this - the "art room" which is where our painting table is currently set up (which in theory was supposed to be for all sorts of projects but has kind of been taken over by miniature painting because the other room is such a mess!) and the "game room" - which is an even bigger mess - so messy I haven't done any miniature gaming and the figure painting has kind of spilled out into the art room...

  4. Good to see the juniors get involved. Is the 'chin on knee' position reccommended for painting?

    1. Yeah, I don't know what's up with that? She may have been super tired (from staying up all night reading Harry Potter!?) and holding up head was just too much effort!?

  5. Fantastic to see a family enjoying the hobby together. Good job for you!

    Love the Japanese bicyclists!

    1. Thanks Johnathan! Now if only we could get around to playing with out toys together!
