Thursday, July 9, 2015

Medieval Horsemen

I seem to be working on medieval stuff…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

These figures are Normans or Crusaders from Old Glory. I think the guy looking like he wants some attention is William (the Bastard/Conqueror) or Normandy (trying to convince his troops that he is, in fact, NOT DEAD YET!). The guy with the violin…? He’s got to be somebody - Crusader Miniatures also makes a similar figure (although, now that I look at it again, the crusader one has something more like a mandolin than a violin…?)

I will be using them as something else, however. They will simply be filling out units of “Mounted Sergeants” in my previously painted. They might have been called “knights” in an earlier period, but next to the figures I’ll be using as Mounted Men-at-Arms (Knights) for this force, they look more like Mounted Sergeants.

To see the complete units Mounted Sergeants, check out the recently updated 28mm Medieval and Medieval Fantasy Gallery.

I’ve also spent part of the morning adding a few more pictures to the 28mm Victorian Era Gallery and 28mm Interwar/Pulp Adventure Gallery

Since the kids have been enjoying painting up their Reaper Bones miniatures from Reaper Bones II Kickstarter, we decided to back the Reaper Bones III Kickstarter earlier this week and have been watching it grow ever since…

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

I’ve a few Halflings and Dwarve on the workbench… and other stuff. 

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