Thursday, August 27, 2015

Halflings, Horsemen, Covanenteers, and an Ice Troll

Another odd assortment of items rolling of the paint table – just to keep you on your toes and guessing at what the hell I am up to!

(or perhaps you’ve all stopped bothering with the guessing and have embraced the random and are ready for and expect just about anything at this point!)

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

Halfling elements for Hordes of the Things.

I know… you’re wondering “what the hell? Is he suddenly back into Hordes of the Things!?” Not so much… Well… Actually, I did pick up DBA 3.0 recently and that’s got me thinking about all things DBA and HOTT-ish… but really the reason for painting these was of the “low hanging fruit” variety. I had startlingly few Halflings to finish up to say “These are all DONE!” and I like saying (or typing) “These are all DONE!” (“These are all DONE!” – see!).

The figures above are from Games Workshop. They are © and ™ Games Workshop and painted by myself and posted here entirely without their permission.

The Last Two Halflings… now these are all DONE! The figures are from Reaper Miniatures. The one on the left is an odd one – he’s got a musket over his shoulder and looks a little inbred-hick-ish…? And he stands nearly as tall as some of the shorter human figures I have!

And now that all the Halflings are DONE, I’ve updated the 28mm Medieval and Medieval Fantasy Gallery

Troll painted with blue skin = Ice Troll!

Figure from Ral Partha

Dismounted ECW Cavalryman from Dixon Miniatures

Dismounted Scots Cavalrymen from Dixon Miniatures.

I don’t know what brought these on… We’re heading into the rennaisance with our history readings, so I got thinking about the English Civil War – which I have many figures for – and Flashing Steel – which I have yet to try out…

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Planning a game of Frostgrave on Saturday. Hopefully have a report up on Sunday. 


  1. Those halflings look great: fun little fellows!

    1. Thanks Preacher! It was fun painting them!

  2. Impressive, very impressive faces...beautiful job!

  3. Love it! Especially the halflings

    1. Thanks Steve! I'm especially happy with how they turned out as well.

  4. I always liked those buck-toothed, pot bellied halfling figures. Very cartoonish which adds to their allure. Of course your painting just completes them.

    1. Thanks Terry. I know a lot of people didn't like the cartoon-ish direction some of the GW products took over time. I don't mind them though. I think they're fun.

  5. Nice brushwork all around as always, Tim. I do like the blue skin tone of the troll in particular.

    1. Thanks Dean! I have a few more I thought I might try to do with the same skin tone...

  6. You found a good game in which to use your lovely ECW 28s? I have painted a ton but still can't find something I like, although DBA-RRR is close.

    1. I am nominally planning to use a DBA variant I found some time back, but I'm not married to it.

      I haven't really looked at Black Powder for ECW (or whatever the Pike and shot version of it is called...). I didn't hate Black Powder (when we tried ti with SYW stuff), but I didn't love it either - too many fiddley special rules.

      If all else fails I can BS together something based on Neil Thomas' Two Hour Wargames....? Or I have Bruce McFarlane's God, King and Country in a box somewhere!?

      I have a lot of painting to do before I play any bigger battles, though...

      I plan to try out Flashing Steel for some skirmishing in the not-too-distant future!
