Friday, September 18, 2015

30 Games in 30 Days (Week Three)

For the month of September I have decided to play a different game with the family (or at least the kids) every day of the month. You can read about the previous weeks here:

This was the toughest week yet as the kids (well, mostly The Girl’s…) activities were in full swing this week and that severely limited the time we had to play longer games…

Saturday, 12 September 2015 – we played a quick game of Love Letter before our regular Skirmish Saturday evening shenanigans. This isn’t the WORST hand to start off with in Love Letter… at least I could use the King to give the Princess away and hope whoever I GIVE it to doesn’t get a Guard before I do…

Later in the evening we played Frostgrave – which we’d already played (twice) this month (hence the quick game of Love Letter!). You can read about the past weekend’s Frostgrave adventures here:

Sunday, 13 September 2015 – we got together with our friends Emily and Aaron and their family for an epic 6-player game of Lords of Waterdeep - using the Undermountain expansion from Scoundrels of Skulport (okay there was eight – necessitating some team play).

Monday, 14 September 2015 – We played a quick game of Patronize.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015 – Okay, now we were starting to resort to the quick games – we played a quick game of For Sale in the afternoon before rushing out to get The Boy to his acting class…

Wednesday, 16 September 2015 – Wednesday we were reading about the Dutch Revolt in our study of world history so I had planned to play Revolution: The Dutch Revolt 1568-1648… so we read our chapter and set the game up…

Then I noticed the game length… 4-8 HOURS!?

So we left that set up in the basement and went back upstairs to read another chapter out of our history book hoping that would put us a day ahead so on Friday we could skip reading a chapter and get straight to playing this game…

So for our new game The Girl and I played a couple games of Hive Pocket while we waited for The Boy to finish up his game of D&D 5e at Dragon’s Den Games after her Jazz dance class…

Thursday – 17 September 2015 – Thursday is violin lessons in the afternoon, a quick trip home to make supper then back out to The Girl’s Ballet class… and then we had to nip over to my folks for my Dad’s 70th birthday party – so we ended up playing a quick game of Montgolfiere just before bed!

Friday, 18 September 2015 – After breakfast and a quick practice of our violins we had a stab at Revolution: The Dutch Revolt 1568-1648… I love this sort of game it mostly involves political influence and a bit of economics and, if you have enough mone,y you can wage a war... I thought it really captured the essence of the period. The Girl played the Catholics, The Boy played the Nobility and I was the Reformers. They really got into their roles and started referring to me constantly as "The Heretic" or "The Blasphemer"...

It was a LONG game - we only got to play two of the five turns the game in normally supposed to play for (plus the shorter turn "0" at the beginning of the game - we'd started just after 10 and had to call it quits at 4:15 to go out for supper).

The end of turn scorring had the Catholics ahead of the Reformers (13.5 - 13.0 victory points), The Boy's Nobles were a bit behind at 10 (I think)...?

I'd LOVE to play this with all five players (which would add the Hapsburgs and Burghers to the mix)


  1. I honestly don't know where you find the time! I read this and think 'I must do better!'...

    1. Well... we homeschool - so we have a relatively flexible/open schedule... I can play games with the kids in the afternoon when most people would be at work or in school, etc... A lot of the games are part of the kids Home Education Plan...
