Monday, October 26, 2015

English Civil War Scots (and other stuff)

Over the last week or so I’ve been binge-watching Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season One with the family (and getting a lot of Scotsmen painted up in the process) – I guess it’s more “binge-listening” that I do while the family watches…

This pretty much finishes up the English Civil War Scots foot that I have. Below is a regiment – for big battle games - from Renegade Miniatures and a bunch of individually based Scots for skirmishing I recently picked up from The Assault Group (they had a buy £40 worth of stuff, get £20 free promotion to celebrate 2000 followers on facebook…). I have a few Scots horse to finish up to call this force totally finished….

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

A regiment of Scots Foote from Renegade Miniatures - I picked these up years ago… when the pound was in the tank… and Renegade still had regiment packs…. And they were having a 5 for 4 sale… how could I have resisted THAT action!?

Another shot of the command and pike.

Another shot of the... well... shot...?

All three Regiments of Foote

Scots from The Assault Group - individually based for some skirmish gaming. This is the first of their Renaissance line I’ve ever picked up and they are lovely figures.

Another pictures of the command figures from The Assault Group.

The Pikemen.

The Shot.

Now to finish up some more English… and some Horse….  and English Horse…!

I also happned to finish up a few other odd and sundry items over the last week or so…

Still under the category of English Civil War - I have a Warlord Games English Petard Storming party – there was actually an additional figure in the set but when he arrived his spabbard was broken off and I haven’t gotten to manufacturing a new one…

I also painted up a few renaissance-ish Dwarves while I was at it. I’ve often thought of running a fantasy role-playing games set in a late rennaisance/pike and shot period… the two with Halberds are from Wargames Foundry the one with the red hat was actually originally holding a swab for a cannon, but I found a halberd to replace it with as I had no gun or other crew for him to join. I wish I could find a few more of these (or the orcs that were available in the same line.

The other dwarf, with the musket, is from Reaper Miniatures.

A Golden Wizard and his apprentice. The Golden Wizard is a gen-u-ine Warhammer Imperial Golden Wizard from Citadel Miniatures/Games Workshop the apprentice I think I picked up in a pack of Fantasy Females from Mega Miniatures.

I’m not really sure what sort of wizards would these be in Frostgrave…? I don’t remember much about the Imperial Colleges of Magic and what sorts of magic each did…

I also have an Amber Wizard of similar vintage I need to find and apprentice for and paint up…

Speaking of Frostgrave…

Here is another spellcaster for my friend John’s Cheesecake Warband for Frostgrave (that he has yet to actually PLAY with!?). The figures is from Reaper Miniatures.

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:


  1. Great work on the Scots! You were not alone in backing up the truck during Renegade's 5-fo-4 sale on Regimental packs years ago!
    Wish I could still get them for those prices.

    1. Thanks Jonathan!

      Yes it was an incredible deal... I picked up a lot of Great War stuff at the time - and even some Napoleonic British!?

  2. Excellent painting as always Tim. Looking at all those blue berets, it makes me think perhaps they were indeed the first UN Force!

  3. Great looking regiment and other figures.

    1. Thank you Neil! Now to get them onto the table!

  4. Great Scots! (couldn't resist) Excellent work all around, as usual.
    I have a bunch of Foundry's "Renaissance" dwarves (and their "Norse" ones as well). But I also regret never picking up any of their "Renaissance" Orcs. Those were very fancy!

  5. Really nice Scots and wizards , the renegade ones look particularly good.
    All the best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain! The Renegade figures were very nice to paint. Lots of detail, but not stupid-hard-to-paint detail.

  6. As a Scot, it's great to see a regiment of Scots Foote so well represented on the wargaming table. Nicely done ;)

    1. Thanks Tim! Hopefully I'll have some game reports of them kicking some English butt up soon!

  7. "And they were having a 5 for 4 sale… how could I have resisted THAT action!?"
    You can't. That's why I have have loads of the buggers too :-)

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one that's a sucker for such good deals!

  8. The Gold Wizards in Warhammer specialised in alchemy. Nice job in the colour-scheme -- it's very accurate to its source and the apprentice works really well with him.

    1. Thanks Stormbringer!

      I think I figured that out at some point - or someone else clued me in - because when I finished up their warband I did a bunch of alchemical symbols on the shields of their knights and men-at-arms:

      There isn't really alchemists in Frostgrave - so I ended up calling them "Enchanters"...
