Friday, November 20, 2015

40K Imperial Guard Valhallan Test Figure

A week or so ago I bought a squad (less one) of 40K Imperial Guard Valhallans off ebay. I thought it would be fun to have a small unit of them – for an encounter in some Sci-fi RPG/skirmish scenario (Only War? Rogue Trader!?) – where they are a ridiculously small detachment at a distant outpost at the ass-end of space….

They arrived just in time for the first dusting of snow here in Saskatoon.

I painted up one sample figure to test the camouflage pattern. I had done a couple small samples on a piece of paper. Normally with this sort of camouflage I have at least three different colours in there, but here I kind of felt “less is more”.

I’m pretty happy with the way this chap turned out. I’ll do up the rest shortly - after I finish the squad of Jungle Fighters I’m currently working on, but probably before I finish the last squad of them…

My daughter, who is nine, has also been working on some 40K stuff lately - Eldar! So far she has finished these - a Farseer and an Avatar of Khaine. I was pretty impressed with these so I asked if I could post them here to share with you all. I'll admit I helped a bit with the assembly of them and a little bit with the painting of the Avatar's legs as we were trying to figure out how to get that molten-on-the-inside look, but she took over from there and the rest is all her work. 

I am NOT looking forward to doing battle against the Eldar... 

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Imperial Guard Jungle Fighters…

(not calling them Catachans anymore as mine will be from a different world…more on that soon…) 

Perhaps we'll see The Girl's Howling Banshees and Wraithblades when she finishes them up. 


  1. Still need to get my snow tires, ahhhhhhhhhhh

    1. Uh-huh... Hey at least we don't get HURRICANES here!

    2. Touché we were lucky this fall. Funny thing no frost uet either

    3. I can't complain, we've had an unseasonably warm fall... and it's supposed to go up to +5°C on Sunday so all of the stuff we had this week will likely (hopefully!) melt.

  2. Your painting is really effective, well done with these

    1. Thanks! Love the campervan you just posted! I have one in 1/48 that I have to paint up to use my my own 28mm moderns... I will definitely be checking back to that post when I get to painting mine!

  3. Wow. Even your daughter is better at painting these things than I am...


    1. Cheers! She has painted a LOT of miniatures in the last three years to get this good. I think the teeny-tiny hands she has helps too! I'm not sure how, but that's what I've been telling myself.

  4. That paint scheme on your Valhallan is really effective. The basing looks good too.

  5. Nice work on the Valhallan! The camouflage pattern looks great. The girl's painting looks great, too. All that practice paid off.

    (it's been in the mid-80s here - that's a bit warmer than I like, especially in the middle of Fall)

    1. I bought into the Reaper Bones Kickstarter II so both kids would have... well... less expensive stuff to practice on. I figured it would take them a year or two to get through them all. I was horrified how fast they were sloshing paint onto them! It seemed like there was no attempt to take their time and even TRY to do a good job. I have to say, however, I think it paid off. As awful as some of first figures she cranked out were, the ones being finished up now are pretty darned good. If she'd just SLOW DOWN - just a little bit - I'm sure they could be WAY better yet - but she's just so excited to get things DONE!

  6. Great camo on the Valhallan - it has a muted tone that actually looks like it has a light dusting of frost on it.

    And, as ever, your productivity amazes and depresses me in equal measure...

  7. Tim, like everyone else has already said, that camo scheme is really good!

  8. Camouflage is really good nice warsaw pact feel to it, eldar look great too
    best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain! Is it the camouflage that gives it a warsaw pact feel, or the fact that if you swapped out the Lasgun for a Mosin-Nagant or an AK-47 he could pass for any Soviet rifleman from the 1930s to the 1980s (depending on the firearm)?

  9. Yes, I take your point but I guess the camouflage just reminds me of the 1970 polish paratrooper pattern before they went for splinter pattern, looks great looking forward to the squad, any vehicles? Iain

    1. Ah! I am unfamiliar with the pattern - I will have to have a look for it.

      I have some vehicles - but not for the Valhallans. I have a Leman Rus, two chimeras, and three 1/48 scale Russian KV-2s that I thought I'd convert with some spare bitz to look something like a Ragnarok tank. I thought I'd do them in tan or tan and green cano pattern so either the Cadian or Tallarn forces could use them... because I have some of those too... I know, it's kind of ridiculous...
