Saturday, November 28, 2015

40K Imperial Guardsmen – Old Meets New and Valhallans

A few more items for My collections of Warhammer 40000 Imperial Guard forces…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

First, the whole squad of Valhallans. (The figures above are from Games Workshop. They are © and ™ Games Workshop and painted by myself and posted here entirely without their permission.).

I have no plan to do an entire force of Valhallans… I thought it might be fun to have a squad to use in a Only War or Rogue Trader role-playing game – as a desperately small force garrisoning some extremely distant, cold planet at the ass-end of the Imperium…  

These are actually Copplestone Castings Future Wars figures I happen to have kicking around that were in great coats so I did them up in the same camouflage as a possible command element. The Commander-type has been converted with a genuine GW Bolt Pistol. Not sure what sort of flag to put on that pole…

They are Neo-Soviets (or something like that) If ever I needed more troops to garrison some extremely distant, cold planet at the ass-end of the Imperium, I’d probably pick up a few more of these. Most of the Neo-Sovs aren’t in greatcoats, but they are clearly in some sort of cold weather clothing and would fit right in with the rest of these...

A few Rogue Trader era Citadel miniatures from Games Workshop. (© and ™ Games Workshop and painted by myself and posted here entirely without their permission.). They were all missing arms so I converted bits of newer Cadian Imperial Guard arms to make them whole again. I like using older "rogue Trader Era" figures as my "Veterans" - the fellow in the middle is going to be my new Company Commander for my Cadian-ish Guard. The Old School Grenadier is going in a Veteran Squad and the fellow with the lasgun... well... I'll probably just slip him into a regular squad (or maybe a Platoon Command team) and see if anyone notices... 

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Finishing up the Jungle Fighters… that’s my plan… 


  1. I bought about 60 of these guys about a decade ago (I still have the Necromundan box the first 36 came in). I've always liked their look. Nice conversions!

  2. Those Valhallans are nice miniatures - full of character. Ands they've come up very nicely. Makes me want to go out and buy some! The Copplestones look like they'll fit in very nicely too. The originals look great too. Commander is a lovely figure.

    1. I love the Vallhallans as well. If it wouldn't cost so danged much I'd love to do a company of them, alas at $50CAD per SQUAD(!?)... not going to happen...

  3. Lovely work on the camo of the Valhallans. Also like the seamless blending of old and new pj the rogue trader minis.

    1. Thank you Marovian. I wasn't sure if the shoulder pads would work on the officer (as originally they wouldn't have had any). But I'm very pleased with how it turned out myself.

  4. Argh! I've been manfully avoiding buying any Valhallans as I already have far too much IG. You are NOT helping mate! For the love of [insert your deity here] please DO NOT showcase any Steel Legion or Death Korps troops...

    1. DON'T DO IT!!!

      I am truly and deeply sorry.

      Perhaps you need an intervention!

      (Perhaps I need an intervention!)

      I have no desire to go down the Steel Legion or Death Korps route... though I DID pick up a solitary Steel Legion trooper (or Death Korps... I get the two mixed up) in a mixed batch off ebay recently! I've actually been trying to think of a way to convert him to look like a Valhallan - extend the smock a bit to look like a great coat... add a big big stand-up collar...?
