Sunday, December 20, 2015

More 40K: Chimera and Cultists

I haven’t been doing as much painting this last week. I did finish up these couple items for 40K.

(All of the figures pictured in this post are from Games Workshop. They are © and ™ Games Workshop and painted by myself and posted here entirely without their permission.)

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

Chaos Cultists.

I picked these up from Dragon’s Den Games my Friendly Local Game Store a week or so ago for giggles. At $12 for 5 guys they seem a relative bargain compared to most 40K stuff… During the Fantasy Flight Games I picked up the Black Crusade RPG core rule book and I had that in mind when I picked them up (Player Characters!) – they could also be baddies in a Only War or Rogue Trader game…? Well… that’s how I justified them to myself when I picked them up.

An Imperial Guard Chimera IFV that I picked up used off ebay a few years back that I’ve finally gotten around to repainting.

One is kind of useless… I do have a second one. Should I get to the point when I have enough troops that I could mechanize a whole platoon I should start looking for a couple more on ebay.

Troops debussed from their armoured transport and advancing with some more heavy support.

I kind of feel like I should have done some more weathering and included some tactical signs or something… I guess I could add that later. The tactical signs can wait until I actually have a unit of them, I suppose…?

I also have a Leman Russ tank that I recently picked up off ebay that I’ve primed over and kind of feel like painting… but I should probably finish up the last few jungle fighters.

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

More 40K stuff likely. I have the last few Jungle Fighters on the workbench along with the aforementioned Leman Russ. But I also have a few eldar and tau and other odd and assorted bits… who knows?! If the order I placed with  Wargames Foundry shows up there could very well be a bunch of assorted swashbuckler-types showing up here in preparation for the immanent release of En Garde! 


  1. Fine work, as always - the Cultists are outstanding! Cheers!

    1. Thanks! I'm pretty happy with how they turned out as well. They could also do service as post-apocalyptic road warriors or wasteland scavengers...

  2. All very nice indeed but I think the chaos cultists are my favourites. I really should paint the ones I bought for a Necromunda gang.

    1. Thanks Millsy! I've never actually played Necromunda. I played a lot of Mordheim back in the day so I bought the soft cover rules for Necromunda (a week before GW posted them as a free pdf on their website...) but never got around to trying it out.

  3. Especially like the cultists. I'm painting my way through them at the moment - always fun to see what others come up with, and yours have come up well.

  4. Love that tanks! Very well done camo. :)

    1. Thanks Scott! I used the same pattern on a few epic scale tanks and I thought it looked okay. When I tried it on this I thought it looked a bit too... busy...? I don't know. But I'm warming up to it now...

    2. Looks great to me. I nee to paint my real Jeep like that!
