Monday, December 28, 2015

Still More 40K (and Forbidden Stars!)

Despite being so close to finishing up the Jungle Fighter Guardsmen, I got working on these over the last week. I spent three days at my folks place over the holidaze “watching” the first six episodes of Star Wars before going to see Force Awakens on Sunday evening – and I took these along to work on while watching said movies. I took these as they required taking along less paints and were a little more straightforward to paint…

Almost all of these guardsmen I picked up used off ebay… some had gobs of paint (or glue) on them already… others were assembled a bit… funny… (some of which I was able to break apart and glue back together is such a way that hands met up with arms, etc… others… not-so-much…)

One complete squad of Imperial Guard. (All of the figures are from Games Workshop. They are © and ™ Games Workshop and painted by myself and posted here entirely without their permission.)

A few odd extras that will see service in assorted platoon command teams (All of the figures are from Games Workshop. They are © and ™ Games Workshop and painted by myself and posted here entirely without their permission.)

While we're talkin' 40K...

We also FINALLY got in a game of Forbidden Stars – a game from Fantasy Flight Games set in the grim dark universe of Warhammer 40,000. I played the Imperium, The Boy played the Orks, The Girl played the Eldar and Amanda played the forces of Chaos.

It took a LONG damned time to set up and sort out the rules… It took even LONGER to play… It was really fun though! There’s a lot going on in this game – I feel like it will take a few played to figure out the various strategies… but at 4+ hours to play… I’m not sure I’m going to get in all that many games!?

… and then there’s this guy… He’s not for 40K. And totally not form Games Workshop. I think he came from Crooked Dice. I have no idea who he’s supposed to be, but how could I pass up a dude in a kilt with an SLR!?

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

I did get in a game of Frostgrave on Sunday – hopefully I’ll get a game report of that up sometime this week.

Also we finished Volume Three of Story of the World, so I have another Gaming Our Way Through History post in the works.

You can probably expect the usual look back at the past year and plans for next year posts in the next week or so.

And I have a pile of other stuff on the workbench that just needs a bit of finishing up – Jungle Fighters, etc. 

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