Thursday, January 28, 2016

Four Swashbucklers, a Wizard and a Templar Walk Into a Tavern…

Sorry, you can make up your own punchline for that one. (If you've got one let’s hear them in the comments below!)

Anyway, a few new things rolling off the work bench this week.

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

Two Women from Hasslefree Miniatures (with weird-looking googley eyes!? Why do I not notice these things BEFORE they get blown up in pictures on this blog!? My eyes must be getting worse than I thought!!) The Wizard is on a slightly larger base because I meant her to go with that other mage I painted last week and he's on a larger base.... so... 

And here they are together – Wizard and Apprentice… Which one do you figure should be the wizard and which one the apprentice? I was kind of thinking the female should be the wizard as she’s carrying the BIG STICK…. but she seems so… diminutive…? (I always forget how slight Hasslefree Minatures are…) Perhaps I should repaint the dude’s goatee so he looks a tad younger…

What sort of wizards do you think they should be for Frostgrave? Jade Wizards - casting earthy-planty-hippy-magiks? Witches, then, perhaps?

If I'd done them with a slightly darker skin tone I could have passed them off as Dragon Clan Shugenja... (bald, dressed in green). Of course they might have needed a tattoo or two...

Which just gave me an idea! I should look through the L5R/Ronin stuff I have and find a pair of Shugenja and some warriors to come up with an eastern-themed warband for Frostgrave! 

The last of the Red Gang for En Garde!. All are from Wargames Foundry

And here is the Red Gang all together. I’ll have to come up with better names…

I finally finished reading En Garde! and it looks like a LOT of fun! I’m hoping to get in a game this evening – or on the weekend at the latest. Looks like it will be a hoot!

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Hopefully a game report of En Garde!

I have all manner of stuff polluting my workbench at the moment 40K Imperial Guard, Wizards and Warriors for Frostgrave, the last of the  swashbucklers for En Garde!, entire units of stuff for Dragon Rampant


  1. Love that Hasslefree Wizardess...mine is in blacks and greys but I love the greens you've chosen.

    1. Thanks - it's amazing how many different ways a figure can be painted an still look really good.

  2. Looking forward to a battle report. How do you manage to paint 6 figures, in the time it takes me to do one? Great work!

    1. I'm looking forward to playing the game!

      I'm pretty focused and have few other hobbies...? (don't watch much TV or play computer games...?)

  3. Great group of figures, Tim. I must say that lady in green has a shapely figure, but I feel bad about her radiation treatment :)

    1. I think it might be the glowing green stones...

  4. Very nice painting all around. Realistic but eye catching.

  5. I see them more as Illusionists. Green or not, they look cheeky and deceitful.

    Great stuff.

    1. I haven't actually tried the illusionists in Frostgrave. Perhaps I'll give that a try. Thanks!

  6. Agreed on En Garde! Even Appendix B looks like a lot of fun. It'll be a while before I can try them out, so I"m looking forward to your report on how they play.

    1. Yeah, it all looks good! I didn't get to play it tonight, as I'd hoped, but for sure on Saturday!

  7. Great looking figs, Tim! Since your Red Gang has a slightly Spanish look about them, maybe call them "Los Rojos"?

  8. Nifty additions and I await your maiden voyage with En Garde.

    Four swashbucklers do not simply walk into tavern. They would bust down the door and announce their arrival with great bravado!

  9. All of your miniatures here look great as always. I think, of the 2 green mages, that the female looks younger with her smooth face/head compared to the male's more worn-looking face.

    I went ahead and ordered En Garde, since I was ordering some other books anyway (like you do). Looking forward to giving it a read and seeing how I can work my swashbuckling dwarves into it; and what kind of opponents I can give them. And looking forward to any game reports you might post. Your reports always get me inspired to want to try more games.

    1. Thanks!

      She does look younger, but I figured she was using magic to keep herself looking that way... Like the Lilim/Witch Queen in Stardust (although, maybe without consuming hearts of fallen stars...)

    2. Of course if I went with Dai's suggestion, those youthful good looks could all be illusory! (There is a "Beauty" spell in Frostgrave for Illusionists!)

  10. A wonderful group, no the Wizardess/Illusionist...

  11. Lovely painting - especially like those girls from hasslefree miniatures. Lovely sculpts.

    1. thanks Dannoc! I do love Hasslefree minis...
