Friday, February 19, 2016

More stuff for Frostgrave and Dragon Rampant

A few more items for Frostgrave and Dragon Rampant rolling off the workbench this week…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

Two Javelineers for Frostgrave. The figures are from Crusader Miniatures. I think I got them as part of a ready-made army for Lion Rampant - I think they were supposed to be part of a unit of bidowers. They didn’t really look all that much like medieval bidowers to me so I set them aside and wondered what I might do with them. If I’d gotten back to Song of Shadows and Dust I might have painted them up for that…

Two more for the medieval muslim themed warband for Frostgrave – another Thug (with just the sword) and a Man-at-Arms (with sword and shield). The figures are from Black Tree Design.

Four Corssbowmen. These figures are also from Black Tree Design.

Finally… a medieval bombard team. I though I might use them in Dragon Rampant as a reduced model unit of Heavy Missiles… though 12 strength points seems a bit much… It’d make more sense with 6 strength points. I suppose I could make them “Fearful” (at -2 points) which, in effect, would make them a little more brittle…

Oh, and these showed up! They're way snazzier that I'd imagined - they're printed on really nice cardstock - that looks like it could take a lot of erasing! The only downside is that, despite the padded envelope, the posties really hammer on the package and pretty much all of them have some serious dings and dents and bent bits... Originally I thought I'd hoard them all for my self, but I've decided I'll keep four for the family and the other six I'll use for the Frostgrave campaign next weekend. 

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Still hoping to get in games of Frostgrave and En Garde! (though I'm starting to feel that En Garde! isn't going to happen until AFTER the Wargaming Birthday Bash/Winter Wargaming Weekend - or maybe we'll play it on the Sunday - after the Frostgrave Campaign...? 

There’s a PILE of Halflings on the workbench along with a bunch more Medieval Muslims.

I’ve also bee working on some new terrain – and took a few process pictures along the way, I’d like to organize them into some sort of post… it may not be a “How To” so much as a “here are a few pictures to give you an idea of how I do things”… We shall see… 


  1. Very nice additions, Tim. It's great to be able to use figures with different rules.

    1. Thanks Dean! It is nice to be able to use miniatures for different games. It's a pain when games use different basing or different specific numbers of figures in units...

  2. More lovely figs! Look forward to seeing them in action!

    1. Thanks Gordon! I'm looking forward to seeing them in action too... though it probably won't be right away - as I want to stick with the Green Wizards (the soothsayers) for the moment and see how they work out before trying something new.

  3. More eye candy in preparation for the weekend! Nicely done as always Tim!

    1. Thanks Terry! Looking forward to next week!

  4. Great stuff, yet again, Tim; love the Bombard!

    1. Thanks Monty! I'm not sure how much use the bombard will be, but it is a nice little model.

  5. Excellent work on the BTD Warriors of Islam! I have dozens of these and they always look great when painted.
    As always, yours are very well done. Especially like the patterns on the robes.

    1. Thanks Jonathan. I have a few dozen more to paint as well - two units of Spear ("Yeoman") and a unit of Archers for forces I am preparing for Lion Rampant.

      and I also just ordered myself some cavalry for them...

      They'll be colourful units... but it may take some time to get them all done!

    2. Oh, except the cavalry isn't from BTD. I ordered up some Gripping Beast models from The Sentry Box in Calgary...
