Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Horse Archers and Crossbowmen

A few more things rolling off the workbench this week…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

Turcoman Horse Archers from Gripping Beast.

These will be a unit of “Mounted Yeomen”/Light Riders for my medieval Muslim Lion Rampant/Dragon Rampant Retinue/Warband.

Here they are with other members of the Retinue/Warband so far…  (The foot are actually part of Frostgrave Warbands – but I figure I could press these ones into service as a unit of Fierce/Belicose Foot and Bidowers/Scouts…).

Some Armoured Crossbowmen from Perry Miniatures. I was picking up some other stuff from Perry Miniatures so I thought I’d grab these to use as Marksmen in Frostgrave - as they have Mail, Crossbow, and Sword – the equipment of marksmen… unfortunately these are earlier crusaders and the helmets on the rest of my soldiers are later medieval… ah well…

If you look close, two have been painted with yellowish tunics for the Gold Wizards warband and two have green for the Jade Wizards. The other two in could be for anyone. I haven’t ever taken any Marksmen – I’m not a fan of the slow-loading crossbows – I’d rather have a Ranger that can get twice as many shots down range… but I thought I should get some Marksmen to try out at some point…

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

I’m pretty excited about the Medieval Muslims at the moment, I may try to push to finish up the remaining two or three units of cavalry so I could have a fieldable force – and then work on the additional infantry options when I get to them. Of course there are a lot other things on my workbench, so who knows…?! 


  1. Great looking nomads and I like the crossbow men, they always seem quite powerful in lion rampant so they might come in useful there as well, always good to get double usage!
    Best Iain

    1. I haven't tried Crossbowmen in Lion Rampant yet. I had a hard enough time trying to get my archer to activate, so I've been a little reluctant to try missile troops that are even harder to activate!


  2. I look at this blog over and over. The sheer number of quality painted figures is almost overwhelming. You and Rob Hawkins are both the greatest of inspirations and greatest of intimidation. I swear the two of you could go super saiyan and become this sixteen armed mega painter that would cover the world in gorgeous and unique figures in minutes.

    Just saying.

  3. Hey, for the guys with crusader helmets, they could be just using Granpa's olde helmet that's been passed down...

    Nice job and I wish I could paint as much in a year as you seem to crank out in a week. But I enjoy looking at them on screen if not in person.

    1. Oh, I can find all sorts of ways of justifying the helmets (including: "It's FANTASY, yo!")... but it still looks funny to the really annoying AR stickler in me... I'll get over it though.

