Sunday, May 1, 2016

I’m Back

These last few weeks have I’ve been in a bit of a existential crisis… It’s a long, boring story… The short version of the bits relevant to this blog and my hobby time in general is this: I have decided to recommit to The Vimy Project. I started the project over NINE YEARS AGO… and got a lot of stuff done… but then lost steam and let it slide… Two Years Ago I did some planning, thinking I’d try and get going on it again… but again got distracted by other things. As the one-year-to-go to the 100th anniversary of the battle came and went a few weeks back I got thinking about it (and other things going on in my life) and after a bit of back and forth decided to try and go ahead with it.

What this means for me at this point is basically I will have to DROP EVERYTHING and remain laser-focused on the project for the next 333 days – as I have a LOT to do! So I will not be buying any new games, reading any new rules, planning campaigns or building terrain or painting miniatures for anything other than the Great War. All the miniatures on the workbench I was working on for Lion Rampant and Dragon Rampant and A Song of Blades and Heroes and Frostgrave and En Garde! and 40K have been squirreled away in boxes for next year!

That’s not to say I won’t be PLAYING any other games at all… I’ll probably get in a few games of these other games over the year – in fact I really HOPE I do (and maybe even get to posting some game reports! But I won’t be planning campaigns or painting new stuff for them – If someone else organizes it, I’ll play with the toys I already have (which is quite a few, really..)

(oh, and I have pre-ordered a few new games – mostly Osprey ones - Men Who Would Be Kings, Pikeman’s Lament, Broken Legions, Horizon Wars, and others – but as they arrive, they’ll likely just be put on the shelf and I will try my very best to ignore them until next year…)

In the meantime I did finish up a few last items on the workbench over the last week or so, before I put everything away…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

Jules Winnfield and Vincent Vega. Jules is from  Copplestone Castings, and Vincent is from a Wargames Foundry.

A couple of lads from Pulp Figures

Two middle eastern types from Reaper Miniatures.

The rest are from Games Workshop. They are © and ™ Games Workshop and painted by myself and posted here entirely without their permission. This is the very last of the Imperial Guard Jungle Fighters that I have… I may actually post some pictures of the whole group some time this week…

Heavy Bolters


Heavy Flamers

Sergeant and a couple of Grunts.

Signallers (the aerials broke off one, so I replaced them with a bit of wire and Green Stuff…)

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Great War Canadians! (or perhaps some pics of my completed Imperial Guard force…) and more on the plans for the coming year!


  1. I am insanely jealous of the fact that you have so many vintage Catachan models.

    1. Thanks!

      Wait until I post pictures of the whole force!

      Have you seen Millsy's over at Cannister and Grape? Check them out - it's an impressive force!

  2. Those pulp figures are grand, they're all good, good luck with the great war, sounds odd but you know what I mean and I'm glad you're back
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain! That scotsman with the shotgun is one of my all-time favourite Pulp Figures!

  3. I'd be happy to paint up some dudes for you. It's the least I could do for the inspiration you provide.

    1. Thank you, but no. Painting my toys is one of my favourite things about the hobby.

  4. No problem. If I could help in anyway let me know. I'm not as deadline fan, its takes the fun away for me, so I thought perhaps a little hand might take some pressure off. It's going to be a heck of an accomplishment when you pull it off.

  5. More wonderful figs! Good luck with the staying focused and not getting distracted!

  6. Excited to hear you are finishing up Vimy Tim.
    Were running Jutland at 1:2400 this year at the Museum of the Regiments for our 100 year WW1 Aniversery. Good thing about ships is we need a lot less Figs.

    1. Thanks Woody!

      Wow! Jutland - that would be something to see! Are you using a published set of rules?

      Alas my next visit to Calgary will be a few months too late...

    2. Were just using the old Avalon Hill Jutland Rules with a few things added

    3. Neat. I never played AH's Jutland - but it sounds like it will be an epic event!

  7. Great to hear about Vimy! I look forward to seeing your progress and try to make progress on my own mini-vimy project.

    Good luck.

    1. Thanks Stanley! I shall have to keep a closer eye on your blog for your own Vimy project - though if you keep posting all that lovely Cold War stuff I'm sure to end up distracted!!

    2. Lol, thanks Tim, there is no end to distractions...

  8. No, don't put Horizon Wars on the shelf. I notice zeroes against all the micro-mini catagories in your 2016 Painted totals. You definitely want to get some of them done. Definitely. :D

    1. I was thinking maybe I'd get the kids to read it and they can teach it to me... I have enough micro SF already painted that I'm sure we could get some decent sized games in...
