Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Great War Germans Snipers and Colonial British Artillerymen

Just clearing a few things off my workbench that were mostly done before taking stock of where things were at for the Vimy Project the other day.

Since then I’ve decided I’m going to hold off on working on the terrain for a few weeks to do a bit more research. But I do have the next Canadian battalion on the workbench – they will be the 1st (Western Ontario) Battalion. The whole of the First Brigade were from Ontario – the other battalions being from Eastern Ontario, Central Ontario, and Toronto. All of the figures are form Wargames Foundry.

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

A German Sniper and Stormtrooper from Great War Miniatures.

Back of the sniper – to show off his camouflaged cape.

Two more snipers – also from Great War Miniatures.

Detail of their other sides.

While at least being Great War subjects, I’m not sure I’ll actually make use of these in the Vimy game

Two colonial British artillerymen. I think the chap carrying the ammo crate is from Wargames Foundry the officer is from Black Tree Design.

I painted these to add to some existing (previously painted) gun crews as the number of dice rolled for guns in The Men Who Would Be Kings is based on how many figures are left in the unit. Technically, if I’m increasing all the unit sizes by 25% (as I was planning to do), I should have FIVE gunners… I guess I’ll have to find another I can add to the team!

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

1st (Western Ontario) Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. 

(And, hopefully, a game of The Men Who Would Be Kings - before I forget the rules and have to read them all over again!) 


  1. I really like the GW Germans! The sniper in steel mask is a nifty model. Excellent brushwork as always..

    1. Thanks Jonathon! I like all of Great War Miniatures products - so much character!

  2. Fantastic job Tim, they look superb...and atmospheric! Your snipers are amazing...
