Sunday, October 9, 2016

King of All Londinium

I got in a game of Firefly: The Board Game on Saturday with The Boy and a few friends. I like this game but it takes SOOOO LOOOOONG to play. Maybe if we played it more (or with less people) it would go quicker.... 

Since I actually had the War Room (mostly) cleaned up to make terrain, we set it up in the basement where there's a bit more space than our dining room table - where we've set it up in the past.

I've played it a total of five times (according to BGG). This was the first time I've played a scenario other than the basic "First Time in the Captain's Chair" scenario. We chose the "King of All Londinium" scenario. It involved getting a forgery of some crown jewels made and then breaking into a n exhibit of them and doing a swaperoo... Three separate goals to be completed. Says it should take 2 hours. We played for over four and just called it quits when one player managed to complete the FIRST goal... I think in the future we should set aside a FULL DAY to play - with meal breaks...

The board - part way through the game.

I was just starting to feel like I'd finally gotten a good enough crew together... when the game ended... I was playing Nandi on the Yun-Qi - after this picture was taken I also picked up a grifter (I forget her name...) and a mercenary and a sniper rifle. I was about two turns away from being able to head towards the location of the first goal and would likely easily have completed it and been able to do a couple more jobs and be on to the next one...

I actually like just PLAYING the game. It feels a little like an old school Traveller Role-playing game merchant campaign. It'd be fun to set it up and play it over a few days or a weekend...

In other news...

I picked up the Walking Dead season six at the library yesterday and Amanda and I were binge watching it last night. I swear it's making me stupid. It's like the worst sort of brain-junk-food; clogging neuro-pathways like fat clogs arteries... They seem to really be troweling on the melodramatic speachifications pretty thick this season. And yet I feel compelled to keep watching...

I follow the comic series as well. Well... when they're collected in the graphic novels... and I mostly watch the show to see how they change the story. I don't like the show as much as the comics... and I don't even like the comics that much anymore... they feel like they're getting mighty repetative. Each  of the last half dozen graphic novel volumes that have come out I've felt like - "bah! I can't be bothered anymore. This is the last one. I'm not going to pick up the next one..." and then the next one comes out... and I buy it... 

I did a bit of work on some miniatures while watching - mostly base-gooping some zulus and some other colonials I've been re-basing for Men Who Would Be Kings. Looking forward to trying that out soon.

I haven't dropped the Great War stuff - I've been adding sandbags to the trench terrain and assembled a couple of German MG teams this week and been trying to sort out how I'm going to BUILD the Vimy Terrain.

This afternoon I'll be playing Super Dungeon Explore with the family. Perhaps I'll post a few pictures of that later...


  1. I know what you mean about the Walking Dead, I only managed to keep up with the show for a couple of series before my interest waned and the comic storyline largely degenerated into 'find safe place, Rick takes charge, place is no longer safe, move on, repeat' (with the exception of Negan, who I thought was great (although admittedly I don't think I've picked up an issue since then...)

  2. It is a good game, but does take rather long to play. BGG says I've played it three times (but I think it is four), and it is time for another go soon.
