Sunday, January 22, 2017

FreezerBurn VII

This weekend I attended FreezerBurn VII. FreezerBurn is a small one day invitational game day hosted by my friend John - ToonCon organizer guy. Most of those invited are ToonCon organizers and volunteers. I went to the very first FreezerBurn seven years ago and haven’t been able to make it since. (I had planned on going to FreezerBurn V – two years ago – but ended up in hospital and missed it…).

Games started early (they were supposed to start at 8:30am, but ended up starting closer to 8:30

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

The first game was Small World, which I ended up playing with John, Iain, and Darrin. I thought I was doing pretty good, but ended up coming in third. Good fun! I had underworld Wizards and Bivouacking Humans and Tritons and Orcs at different times in the game… It’s been a while since I’ve played Small World.

The next game we played was Roll for the Galaxy. Again I was playing with Darrin and Iain. I felt like I the game had barely even started and it was OVER!? Dead last with 33 points…? Maybe…? I would have had 8 more if it’d gone another turn! Ah well…

One of the other tables of Roll for the Galaxy with John, Brent, Mike and Zack.

The Third game we played (after some lunch!) was Age of Industry. I had not played this before, but I did play Brass once – another Martain Wallace game which this game was based on… I’m familiar enough with Martain Wallace games that I was able to fudge my way through. I really like this game – so many things to do! Dead last again… but a LOT of fun.

The fourth game we played was Viticulture. I played this for the first time a few weeks ago at John’s. Another fun game, but both times I’ve played I felt like I was just getting started…. and it was over… The game plays until someone gests 20 victory points. I was dead last for most of the game and then in the very last turn went from 5 victory points to 18! Which was a pretty spectacular move, if I do say so myself, but not good enough to catch up -  I ended up fourth…

The Final game of the evening (after supper) was Power Grid Deluxe. My best game of the day – I ended up in third place… or maybe fourth… I don’t know. I had fun and it was probably my best game of Power Grid ever – I think we all powered the same number of cities in the final round, so it went down to how much cash we had in hand at the end…

John kept track of everyone’s overall standing through out the day- and kept them posted on his big screen tv – points were awarded based on everyone’s placement in the game they played. I was dead last all day – until the final round which brought me up to 9th… out of 11….

Everyone brought a game to put on the prize table and then in order of over standings everyone got to pick a game off the table. I ended up with a copy of Nautilus, which I’m pretty excited to try out.

Absolutely fantastic day! Hope I get invited (and can make it out!) again next year!!

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

21st Battalion (Eastern Ontario), CEF – I finished painting them up yesterday. Hopefully later today I’ll get to put some grass on their bases and get some pictures taken to post.

Countdown to Vimy – an update on this weeks progress.

This Week’s Games – a brief note about other games I played this past week. 

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