Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Goodies in the Mail

Yesterday a few packages arrived for me in the mail...

First a truck brought by this parcel!

Almost two years ago I Kickstarted High Frontier Third Edition. A friend had highly recommended the game - having played a previous edition (2nd, I think ) - but when I sought out said edition they seemed to be selling for $200-300... or that's what people were ASKING for them, I have no idea if anyone would ever PAY that much... So when a kickstarter came along for a new edition that, including shipping, would end up costing me less than $100, I jumped right on board.

It originally listed the estimated delivery as September 2015... I guessed they must have had everything completed and all their ducks in a row to print and distribute... Not so much, I guessed wrong. I started to wonder if it would EVER show up. But it has. And I'm super excited to try it out - I LOVE games by Phil Eklund (LOVE, not like, LOVE!). It is a beast - I'm sure the box and it's contents was over 5Kg, and the rules look... well... very "in depth"...? We're going to try and have a go at it this weekend.

They also included a copy of Ares Magazine, which Finnegan seemed rather interested in...

Later in the day the regular postie delivered THREE MORE (considerably smaller) packages:

This included orders from Perry Miniatures, Eureka Miniatures USA, and Black Hat Miniatures. From Perry I got some Musketeers to finish up a few units of Shot for The Pikeman's Lament, three heavy cavalry (two to complete an element of Kn for DBA-x army and another to finish another unit for The Pikeman's lament) and some ECW Casualties for morale failure markers. From Eureka I picked up some of Montrose's Irish - a unit of Pike and a unit of Shot as well as a couple of preachers and James Graham (Marquis of Montrose) himself (on foot!). From Black Hat I got some Dwarvish Highlanders to finish up a few units for Dragon Rampant.

I'm still waiting on a few orders from my post birthday spree. I ordered some MORE English musketeers as well as some Scots Musketeers and Pike from Dixon Miniatures. I ordered some Winter of '79 miniatures from Miniature Figures (to go with some Mike Bravo Miniatures State of Emergency figures, which I crowdfunded last year and have also now finally shipped - and will hopefully be here SOON!). I ordered an additional pack of Irish Pike and a mounted version of James Graham from Warlord Games while they had a free worldwide shipping deal on. And finally I'm expecting some Dragoons and armed civilians from Redoubt Enterprises.

Oh and there's the order I placed with Hasslefree back in January... which STILL hasn't arrived. I have to admit I'm exceedingly disappointed by this. I've had such exceptional service from them in the past. But I've send five emails to three different addresses over the last couple weeks - an even sent a message through facebook -with no response...

Oh and I also found out this morning that the creators of the Jet Bike Construction Kit Kickstarter just shipped out rewards to Backer #100 (they've been casting and shipping them out in order of backer number since the campaign ended). I'm #108! So hopefully I'll be seeing those pretty soon - sooner than then expected shipping date of June!

In other news... In addition to basing and priming all these new arrivals I've been desperately trying to finish up this Polar Lights Lost in Space Robot for a friend that I've been sitting on half-fisnished for FAR TOO LONG! He's been waiting for this longer than I had to wait for my High Frontier Kickstarter... I painted The Mummy for him a while back... I still have two more to do... I am going to finish them before the end of the year!

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Pics of the finished Robot!?

More ECW stuff?

A Game Report!?


  1. It is always great to get stuff hobby stuff in the mail!

    Once, the postman stopped to deliver a package in person. It was very heavy containing a large number of figures. When he handed it over, he said, "Man, that's a heavy package. What ya got in there, lead?" Me: "Yep."

    1. I'm sure I had a similar exchange at one point - it might have been at the post office when I went to pick up a parcel they wouldn't just leave at my door.

  2. I feel bad that I got my jetbikes earlier. So many other projects on my bench that they got pushed aside. Soooo many pieces, although a quick inventory netted me at least one extra jetbike than I pledged.

    1. You pledged earlier than me (actually it was you that brought it to my attention! So - thanks for that!!). How many did you get in total?

      I have no shortage of things to work on here!

      I ended up ordering TWENTY - I wanted a few, the kids each wanted a few, Amanda even wanted a couple of her own (that I'll have to assemble and paint for her!) and another friend wanted a couple... We'll be able to host some mighty big jet bike races!!

    2. I simply pledged for the four and got five, plus enough random bits for plenty of future projects.

  3. Update: Miniature Figures and Dixon orders arrived today - when it rains it POURS around here!?

    Unfortunately going through the Dixon order there are not nearly as many Covanenter Pikemen as I was expecting... The covenanters were the main reason I placed the order, so that was pretty disappointing. Dixon didn't send any sort of order confirmation email or invoice or mail and invoice with the package - and there isn't an online account that tracks previous orders - so I had to do a bit of sleuthing. I found the credit card invoice and figured out how much I had paid and figured out the cost of what arrived and.... it matched.... So it was I that simply forgot to order them - DAGNABBIT!?

    Where am I going to get 5 more covenanter pikemen!?

  4. You haven't got any warlord plastic pikemen you could stick a bonnet on? Looks like war of three kingdoms/ECW is going to be big looking forward to how they come out.
    Best Iain

    1. I do actually have a few warlord plastic pikemen... but they're all kind of "spoken for" and in units of their own.

      I will probably just have to put in another small order. I'm sure as these forces start coming together I'll realize there something else I'm missing, so I'll just hold off for now until I get a few more of these painted up and worry about it then.

  5. Got my copy of High Frontier yesterday also!

    1. Cool! Have you played it before - like the previous editions? I have not, but we're going to have a go at it this Saturday.

    2. No, haven't played it before. Watching The Expanse makes me want to play it even more. But wow, is it daunting looking. I opened the box and my first thought was "what was i thinking?!?!". Strip off all the chrome and it's probably not as complicated as it looks.

    3. Hey, I just binge-watched the first season of the expanse a couple weeks ago - and it also got me super excited about the imminent arrival of this game!

      Have you played any other Phil Eklund games? I've played a bunch of the Pas series (Pax Porfiriana, Pax Pamir, Pax Renaissance) and they do seem pretty daunting - there is a LOT going on in them, but after a play though - or two - the light goes on and I feel like - Oh, okay I'm starting to get it!

    4. Never played any of his games. I may have to look them up.

  6. They finally answered to a message I sent through facebook and were very apologetic and said they could not explain why it hadn't been mailed out yet, but ensured me it would be in the mail the following day - with a bonus extra freebie (and I did receive an email the following day saying a parcel had been shipped). They also explained that they had not received any of the four emails I had sent and blamed it on an overactive spam eater.

    We shall see...
