Wednesday, April 26, 2017


Well my stuff from the Jet Bike Construction Kit Kickstarter arrived last week and of course I had to put at least ONE together…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

Jet Bike from Ramshackle Games (the head is from Hasslefree Miniatures).

Of the 20 I ordered, 6 were for the kids (3 each) and 4 were for Amanda and John (2 each – which I’ll be painting for them), then I get 10 more just for me! Woo!

I should probably also get making some more terrain for these to dodge around…

Looks like they’ll fit right in with the other two I have.

Before I get to assembling any more of these, however, I have to get cracking on next weeks entry for the Lead Painter’s League. It’s another theme round – ship crew. I’ve been back and forth about whether I should do a couple of sci-fi ship crew or a handful of Pirates I have on hand… I’ll probably go with the Pirates – just because they’ll be quicker and easier at this point! 

I also have a fair bit of ECW stuff lingering near the workbench (a couple units of dragoons, a unit of gallopers, two more individual cavalry to finish off a unit, some more club men, two more units of Irish, loads more Highlanders, more English pike and shot).

And then there’s Rick’s robot (I’d actually set aside an afternoon last week to finish it off… but then the jet bikes arrived… GAH!?). After the Pirates are done, I’m going to finish it off before I do another Jet Bike!!! 

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Well… now that I have three bikes – we should have a RACE!!!

Or maybe I should finish the robot. 


  1. Curtis and I have been working on some jet bike racing rules for BOYL. Perhaps you could give them a spin for us. Let me know if you are interested.

    1. I'm actually planning to use a modification of Faustus Furius to run a jet bike racing event at ToonCon 2017 in the fall! I'm pretty happy with FF (or FF3K as I'm calling my modified version), but I'd be willing to have a go at your rules!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, Eric! Not only for your comment, but also turning my attention to this Kickstarter - these are going to be a LOT of fun putting them all together!

  3. Oh, I like this one the best! Great addition with that Hasselfree head, too. Love the buggy yellow eyes (like a Muppet). I like that the bike looks more home-built and both the bike and rider have loads of character. Excellent work!

    1. Thanks! I was tempted to do some weathering and rust to give it a real scratch-built-by-a-mad-mechanic look, but (as Terry's pointed out below) I was also kind of going for a Herbie the Love Bug look and all the reference pictures I could find show it always looking clean and shiny (though I'm sure as I child there was one show where it was looking dirty and dilapidated, but perhaps I'm mixing memories up...?)

  4. Going for a Herbie the Love Bug look on the latest Tim? Nicely done!

    1. I was wondering if anyone would notice.

      Thanks Terry!

  5. Wow, these are very cool - love the whacky sort of pulp look they have. And top-notch painting as well.

  6. Love the jet bike, best one so far! Don't they find herbie in a lock up all dirty and dusty and after that he's all clean?
    Best Iain

    1. Maybe? I have no idea... I haven't seen them since the late '70s/early '80s...

      I think I saw Herbie Goes Bananas at the theatre. According to this picture from wikipedia he had some rust on him at some point in the film.

      So I guess I could have rusted this one up a bit... Ah well, I have lots more to do. Some will be rusty!

  7. I like the mid-80's Freightliner look to this model and the painting just highlights that.

    1. I will have to give the next one some mudflaps that say "Hauling Ass" with a chrome silhouette of a naked woman on them...

      though I'm not entirely sure WHERE i'd put mudflaps on one of these...?
