Monday, May 15, 2017

Dwarven Gold Fever Kickstarter

My miniatures from the Lead Adventure Miniatures Dwarven Gold Fever Kickstarter arrived today!

I was a bit anxious when it first arrived as the package was a WRECK!!

Looked almost like it had been pretty beat up and completely soaked and dried up again - the few packing foam bits had almost completely dissolved!? Tape all coming off address label just barely held on!

Big holes in the side!?

I think it was a box originally, but it looked more like a lumpy, crumpled envelope!?

But when I checked over the contents - everything was there! Only two bent axes and one broken staff!

So I've been busy sticking them on bases - though I didn't have enough washers to do them all... Tempted to paint up a team of these for thsi week's Lead Painter's League!


  1. Wow, that package looks real bad. You´re lucky the content was complete and undamaged - I was about to recommend not accepting packages in such state from the carrier because of obvious transportation damage. That package looks like a serious quality control issue for either of the postal services responsible for getting it turned into that state...

    1. I didn't really have a choice in whether to receive it or not - it was dropped in my mailbox by the regular postal carrier. I do indeed count myself very lucky!

      It looked and felt like it had been completely soaked, and then completely dried out, and i just don't get how the heck that could have happened?! Did someone leave a mail bag out in the rain somewhere along the way!?

      Anyway, they're here and I'm already painting them! (well.. painting on primer... but that's still sort of painting!)

    2. Tim, in that case you probably should contact the carrier and file a complaint. This package is a signed for shipment, the carrier is obliged to take your signature at delivery. It has a tracking number and can be traced.

      That´s what an "Einschreiben" is for - safe and orderly delivery with confirmation of receipt ;)
      It´s an extra service that the sender (and in effect you) have paid for - and though it won´t change anything this time, maybe it will help avoid similar cases with potentially bigger damage in the future.

    3. Huh. Interesting. Apparently Canada Post doesn't seem to honor that "Einschreiben" on this end...?

      I know from past experience (when I have complained about the state of parcels that have arrived) they don't care about the condition of a parcel if it originated from outside Canada. They always say I have to take it up with the sender and they have to take it up with the postal service in their own country - even if it was clear that it was Canada Post's fault (i.e. the carrier left it on my porch in a rainshower!?)

  2. They look great, Package looks terrible!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain! It was a little shocking to receive a package in this state!

  3. Now that's what I call lucky! Looking forward to seeing some of them painted up.

    1. Thanks Millsy! I've pushed aside the Irish I was originally working on for this week's LPL entry and put a handful of these at the front of the workbench! Should be up on Lead Adventure on Sunday (and here a week after that!)

  4. Whew! Don't think I've ever seen a package in such a sorry state. Glad they made it relatively unscathed!

    1. I know! This is the most damaged packed with least damaged/missing contents I've ever received!

  5. I'm so happy to see you using washers and not coins :-)

    1. Cheers! Not sure what coins I'd use? Nickel? They're a bit smaller than the washers I use - though 7¢ cheaper... I don't know... somehow is seems wrong to use money...

    2. (I have to admit I've used a few pennies on 20mm figures...)

  6. Wow! That package is a mess!

    But apparently the dwarves are stout fellows. I almost went for the kickstarter (but have a surfeit of dwarves, for now (including some form other dwarvy kickstarters). I'll look forward to seeing yours painted up. Any specific plans for them? (maybe A Frostgrave band?)

    1. I was, at the time I ordered them, thinking of Dragon Rampant, but they could easily be used as a Song of Blades and Heroes band or a Frostgrave warband.

  7. Looks like the package got wet and then sat on. Luckily, no damage to the contents. Postal service ought to be embarrassed delivering something in that state.

    1. Speaking of embarrassed carriers delivering wrecked packages I once spotted the UPS driver darting away from my house from our second storey window and making a dash for his truck which was parked halfway down the block. I thought this rather odd behaviour as he's usually a friendly guy and knows that we're usually home when he delivers and so he usually parks right in front of our house and knocks very loud. By the time I got downstairs he was long gone and checking my mailbox I found an empty envelope. It had been torn in transit and the entire contents (a book) had fallen out. But he was still required to deliver it! Obviously he was concerned about an angry recipient yelling at him (not that I ever would - and i would have hoped he'd have figured that out by then - I'd be pretty sure it wasn't HIM that did it) but I know a lot of people would be angry and the carrier being right there usually gets the worst of it...

  8. Fantastic minis in a KS I that went totally below my radar. Such characters!
    Much envy! :-)
    I look forward to see them painted in a future post or several.

    1. Oh, they'll be spread out over several! I got a quite a few of them!

      I kicked myself for not backing the Lead Adventure Astropolis kickstarter - I wasn't going to miss this one!
