Monday, July 17, 2017

More English Civil Warriors

Awaiting the arrival of my new computer today, I thought I'd mess around on Amanda's "work" computer and see if can start to figure out how these new programs work.

I've been working on a few more items for my Pikeman's Lament forces for the English Civil War.

Preacherman from Redoubt Miniatures.

A Devout Cavalryman from The Assault Group.

 A unit of English Shot - these are a mix of figures from Old Glory, Wargames Foundry, Dixon Miniatures, and a few of my own home-cast figures.

Casualty marker for the red coated Englishmen (from Wargames Foundry)

Four rather well armoured scotsmen from Wargames Foundry (They were actually English figures - that I've painted in hoden grey to use as Scotsmen. I didn't want to buy a pack of Scotsmen as I didn't need six guys in bonnets... but I figured I could pass armoured Englishmen off as Scots if I painted them in grey....).

The entire Scots government English Civil War force so far. Two units of Shot, two units of Pike, a light frame gun and a unit of dismounted cavalrymen (fielded as a Forlorn Hope). 26 points so far - which could be modified by upgrading or downgrading any of the units. I also have two units of Scots Horse to paint up and then this will be complete - well as complete as it's going to be for the foreseeable future. Redoubt Miniatures does have some Scottish Civilians I might pick up as some point to act as camp followers - which could be fielded as "Clubmen".

In other news....

I have about half of the Jet Bikes assembled - hopefully have some pics of finished ones shortly. I've also been working on some figures that finally arrived from Mike Bravo Miniatures (bit of an ordeal there...) They'll probably be the next things pictured on the blog. I also have the aforementioned Scots Horse on the workbench (it IS getting rather cluttered!). Progress on these has been slowed by the fact that I have been getting out for more bike rides and will be further slowed as I have a bit of prep work to do (mostly cleaning and organizing - and later DEMOLITION!) as we get ready for our kitchen renovation now scheduled for the end of the summer.


  1. cool figures, well painted.
    I like them a lot!

  2. Your ECW project is shaping up nicely! I have painted and fielded many of Redoubt's Bible Thumpers. Nice figure!

    1. Thank you, Jonathan!

      I also have a mounted version of the Preacherman. It's strange because it's a 3 part figure - the horse and the lower half of the torso and legs of the preacher are one piece, this upper torso, head and arms are one piece (with big book tucked under his left arm) the right-hand is a separate piece, though... it comes with a hand holding a book - so that the figure would be in much the same pose as the dismounted version... but I have LOADS of left over right hands with swords or pistols from a number different Old Glory sets (and I'm sure other appropriate hands in my bits box). I am torn as to whether I should just put the book in his hand - or a SWORD! (or possibly even a pistol!)

      Of course if I do THAT I should probably model on a sword belt or holsters for pistols...

      There are rules for adding priests and rabble-rousers to units, but I haven't tried it out. Only a point and gives the unit a +1 to all morale tests... but any enemy that slays the special character gets a bonus victory point... so I'm not sure it's worth it.

      (Pffft! when have I ever cared if something was "worth it" - it sounds like fun and gives me and excuse to do some stern preachifying and orate some stirring speeches! So I will surely use him in my next game!)

    2. I operate by a corollary to your motto: "If is not at least fun or interesting, find something else to do."

      I really like your kneeling-in-prayer cavalryman. Great figure! I could use a few of these fine lads.

  3. "when have I ever cared if something was "worth it" - it sounds like fun"
    That's usually my motto, too.

    Looks like you have some great pike and shot forces shaping up there! I took a break from my dwarf musketeers, but I have more prepped and ready for paint when I am ready to get to them.

    1. Cheers!

      Looking forward to seeing some more of those Dwarf Musketeers!

  4. Very nice mate. I've not seen the Devout Cavalryman from The Assault Group before. A lovely miniature!

    1. Thanks Millsy! The Devout Cavalryman is one of their Freebie Specials that you can request if you order a certain amount of stuff (it used to be £39, I think...?).

  5. Those are nice! The preacher and praying cavalryman are full of character.

  6. Great figures! Warlord do some nice "rabble rousers", which include a Leveller; very useful.

    1. Thanks Monty! I've seen those "rabble rousers" - they do look fun and I had picked up a bunch of the Warlord Clubmen. I've often though about picking them up... but so far I've talked myself out of them with my standard "do I really NEED them...?" (not that NEED really has anything to do with the hobby... but, y'know, relatively speaking...).

  7. Nice bunch of ECW types, I'm basing my English ECW army on pennies and then sabot basing them. Trouble is my Scots are already on big bases, not. ..rebasing (the horror! ) preacher looks great, be interested to see him on a horse!
    Best Iain

    1. I'm, like, the KING of re-basing. So many figures have been re-based so many times. I'll never say never, but I've got it down to a pretty standard system now - round washers for troops I'll use in skirmish games. 60x40mm MDF for foot figures and 60mmx60mm for mounted figures I use in games requiring multi-figure bases (which is mostly DBA/HotT or rules by Neil Thomas). (Though lately I have considered rebasing some of the figures I had for DBA style games onto single bases to use with more skirmish games - like those of Dan Mercy or SoBH, etc...)

  8. Wonderful figures Tim, well done, love this motivated preacherman, I can almost hear him from France...

    1. He does look like a bit of a bellowing ranter...
