Thursday, November 2, 2017

More Tallarn Arrive

So this happened...

Yeah, that's another big lot of Tallarn I found on eBay. I've been looking for years and TWO lots show up in the space of about two months that were too good of deals to pass up... My gaming budget for the next year is kind of blown... but it will probably take me that long to paint these up...

So here is what I have now for Tallarn stuff...

I'm not totally set on the organization, but currently I'm working with something like this:

Company Commander + Command Squad
Lord Commissar(s)
Primaris Psyker

FIVE Infantry platoons, each with:
Platoon Commander + Command Squad
3x Infantry Squads

6x Special Weapon Squads (2x Sniper, 2x Plasma, 2x Melta)
(not sure if these will be attached to the infantry platoons or not just yet...)

11x Heavy Weapon Squads (3x Lascannon, 3x Mortar, 3x Auto Cannon, 2x Heavy Bolter)
(again not sure if these will be attached to infantry platoons or detatchements from a Regimental support company operating in support of the infantry company)

3x Roughrider Squads (9 each)

4x Scout Sentinels

Some tanks... I have two Leman Rus tanks (on assembled and partly painted, the second still on the sprue) which I will paint in Khaki and use as Tallarn armour. At SOME point I wouldn't mind picking up 2-3 more to fill out a Spearhead Detachment of Tallarn armour.

I still have three KV-2s and assorted bits to convert into Regnarok tanks but I'm not sure if I'll paint them up as Tallarn (I've been thinking of doing them as Valhallans...? Because, you know, that'll be the NEXT Guard army I put together when I ever get these done!?).

I've been reading Shadowsword by Guy Haley this past week and that's got me thinking about adding a super heavy at some point... (Curse those GW folks and their fun fluffy novels totally designed to make you want to buy more of their toys...)

Anyway, without any of the armour, I'm sitting at 2600 points of stuff. Not that I'd field it all together - but it gives me lots of OPTIONS. I'm not sure how I'd field the whole company all together...? a "Brigade Detachment" has only 12 spots for "troops"... I guess I could do a Brigade AND a Battalion detachment - which would be 15 Command Points! But I'd have to come up with another HQ option or two...? A second Company Commander seems silly when I'm only actually fielding a company. I guess the second Company Commander could - fluff-wise - be called the 2.I.C. or something...?


  1. Gosh, that's a lot, it's a good thing you've already got another painted guard army, to you know play with while you paint all these, good luck with them all!
    Best Iain

    1. I know, right? It's almost like I was totally thinking this through...

      Thanks, Iain!

  2. WOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! WOOOOOO!!!!!! WOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

    1. Yeah, I'm pretty excited too. Just wish I had more time to paint them faster!!!

  3. My word that's a lot of stuff! How you find these bargain lots before anyone else is a mystery to me...

    1. Saved searches. I get daily emails letting me know if new things under the search parameters I have set up come up for sale. Only three times in the last... oh... decade...? Have there been buy-it-now lots of Tallarn that were large enough and for a reasonable enough amount that it was a relatively good deal. It just happens that two of them came up for sale within the last few months. RELATIVELY is the keyword there. There are always Tallarn available - but they're often $10+$5-10 shipping for individual guys or $20-30+$20 shipping for weapon teams or individual roughriders - which is ludicrous. Or often there are squad-sized lots for $80-100 - which is also ridiculous, because you can still buy a NEW squad from the GW web store for $50. But when you find lots of 100 or more figures, often the price per comes down a lot. I think I ended up paying about $4-5 per figure with the last two lots - which is still a lot of money (for me at least). but it's slightly less than what the new ones (that are still available) cost and a LOT less than the average prices they go for on eBay.

      Now if only I could find a lot of Valhallans...

    2. I was thinking as I assembled my bolt action winter soviets "these would make great Valhallan substitutes , just saying. ..
      Best Iain

    3. I was actually just looking at those on Warlord's website the other day!! The only problem was - where would I get all the lasguns I'd need!?

    4. In the past I've gotten some from a place called Hoard O Bits, but the last few times I've checked they have very little GW stuff actually in stock and their shipping prices to Canada have gone up dramatically!

    5. Victoria minatures, $3.50 for 5 resin lasguns? It looks like there's other options as well but these look good, don't know about shipping but if you put together a decent order it couldn't cost that much?
      Best Iain

    6. I'll look into those! Thanks!!

    7. Holy Mackerel!? They have some COOL stuff!!! Totally did NOT need to see that right now!

      I like the wheeled suspension upgrade kit of the Taurox. Looks way better than those goofy tracks! almost want to get one for my company commander to drive around in!?

      Hopefully they're still around when I can spend money again!

  4. HAHA Now I see why I've been staying away from Ebay the last couple years...well except for some LOTR Magazines I still need. Good haul Tim. Who knows, if you should have a few stray figures remaining, they could always be barter material. Think I bought a couple at the last Cangames for use in Rogue Stars

    1. I've gotten good deals off of eBay... but some of the stuff people are trying to sell - I just don't get it. Lot of overpriced crap to sift through to find those decent deals.

      There's a great eBay store out of the UK where I used to get really good deals on used Warhammer stuff - usually half price including shipping. The paint jobs are atrocious, and they're not always assembled very well... but I repaint everything anyway, and have had some success breaking apart and reassembling stuff that's really bad. But ever since 8th edition came out people bid the stuff up crazy high - sometimes higher than they can be bought new!? I can only guess that there are people that HATE assembling and painting miniatures SO MUCH that they're willing to pay to have them assembled and painted terribly...? I don't know...

  5. Quite an army! I made it up to a full Steel Legion Platoon (Command, attachments, four squads, heavy weapons squad) but you have FIVE. Makes it start to feel like a real company!

    And I have also noticed that 8th edition has brought some bizarre price inflation.

    1. Thanks!

      Well, it will be quite an army - when it ever gets painted!

      I have the others to play with until these get done though, and I'm okay playing smaller skirmishes as I do get more and more of these finished!
