Monday, December 18, 2017

Crew of the Astropolis, Shanspire and More

Earlier this year I backed the Astropolis II Kickstarter from Lead Adventure Miniatures. I'd passed on the first Astropolis Kickstarter and had been kicking myself ever since, so when the second one came up, I went all in for the megaload - Hyperspeed Level - all packs from both kickstarters! They a few months back and have been haunting the periphery of my painting tables since...

The Caption of the Astropolis and his trusty Astromech robot Twinkles.

These are among the very first miniatures I've painted that didn't make use of my standard dirt basing technique. (Okay there was the Genestealers last week - but I started these WAY before I picked up those Necromunda bases and painted them...). When these arrived and I started basing them I got it in my head that I'd make some modular interior spaceship/space station squares (much like the underground terrain squares I've started) and got thinking that dirt bases would look more out of place there than these bases might look dirtside.

A few of the Mechanical Crew.

I have another dozen or so of these in a half-painted state on the workbench. Hopefully you'll be seeing more of these - along with more Tallarn. Perhaps this will be the crew of the ship that transports my Tallarn Guard Regiments through the WARP!

The body of this figure is, I think, from Britannia miniatures. I ordered a bunch of their 28mm gunfighters, oh, 25-30 years ago...? This fellows head broke off in the mail - which seemed really odd as the miniature themselves seem really sturdy and chunky - perhaps it was taken out of the mould too quickly and broke at that point...? It's been sitting in my box-o-lead for ages and I finally decided to put him to use and glued  on a new head from Lead Adventure Miniatures.

I also finished up a second Shadespire miniature for my friend John. The remaining fellow from this war band is nearly complete...

I probably could have finished it but I took a break from painting the last two evenings to assemble John's Adeptus Mechanics Skitarii Rangers (and deeply regretted having agreed to do those! Oi! They were very fiddly... I suppose the painting will be quick and easy, though...).

In other news...

The countertops went in this morning.

The Girl pointing out where the stove will be going.

In addition to the renovation in the kitchen, Amanda decided it was time to upgrade the main floor bath and so, around the time I did all the demo work in the kitchen, I removed the bathroom sink... and we've been without a sink on the mainfloor for the last couple months... While the countertop guys were installing the kitchen countertops, Amanda had them bring in a new countertop for the vanity in the bathroom.

tomorrow the tile guy is supposed to be in and doing the backsplash in the kitchen over the next two days, and then on Thursday and Friday the final plumbing and electrical work in the kitchen and bathroom should be going on and by Friday night we should have a fully functioning house again (assuming something else doesn't break....)!


  1. Love what you've done with the Astropolis guys! I must pick them up at some stage.

    1. Thanks!

      Lead Adventure Miniatures really does make a lot of fun minis that are perfect for playing in a grim-dark-dystopian-far-future.

  2. Nice work on the minis! I especially like the captain and robot. Those could work for steampunk, too.

    Kitchen counter tops look good as well.

    1. They totally could work as Steam Punk - I've been looking at their Steam Punk stuff and thinking it could work for grimdark science-fi as well!


  3. Tiling back splashes isn't that difficult as long as all of the tiles are of the same depth. I'd leave tiling showers to the professionals because the consequences are bad if things go wrong but tiling a back splash is definitely achievable by a novice. Here's the result of my first ever tiling job:

    1. We're doing glass tile. I've tiled floors before, but doing glass tile on a wall seemed a little.... finicky...? So we've hired professionals to do it.

  4. Beautiful characters, details are stunning...and I love the Captain of the Astropolis!

    1. Wait until you see the navigator... So many bits and bobs and cords and hoses!

  5. Love the astropolis figures, tons of character, bases look great too. Kitchen coming along mines now done but I have to try and get the hallway done ish in the next couple of days which means no posting because of long hours!
    Best Iain

    1. ALL the miniatures from Lead Adventure Miniatures are full of character! I backed the Dwarf Gold Fever Kickstarter because the miniature looked so fun - got them and wondered WTF did I think I needed THESE for!? (Oh, they'll find a purpose in a Dragon Rampant army or a Song of Blades and Heroes warband or some such..). It was hard resisting the latest Kickstarter - the steam punk one - and I don't even care about steam punk stuff!?

  6. Great work Tim! The captain of the Astropolis is probably my favourite...what a cool figure.

    And great progress on the 1-to-1 scale stuff!

    1. Thanks Greg! I think my favourite, so far, has been the first officer - that I painted up to use as a Commissar a few weeks back...

      This captain's okay - but I felt like he had just a little bit TOO much bling...

  7. I wish that i had read this blog before assembling my pathfinders. I thought assembly was fiddly, but I'm finding the painting much worse.

    I'm at the point in painting where I hate the entire project, and want to buy a new pack and start over...

    Also, COOOOOL.....

  8. "finishing" a house just means it is time to sell and move to another doesn't it?

    How did you do these bases?

    1. Yeah, you can finish a project, but I don't think anyone's ever finished with their house (until their dead or they move...)

      The bases are washers - I filled in the hole with green stuff and then glued down some fine nylon mesh from a screen window (or maybe it's fibre glass, I'm not sure what it's made of - NOT the metal kind!).
