Monday, January 29, 2018

Last Week's Games

Whoops - meant to post this last night, but we ended up watching Kindergarten Cop (long story) and a few more episodes of Heroes Season 3.... (during which I finished off my Tau Ethereal and got quite a bit of work done on the Tallarn Roughriders!). Despite all the movie and TV watching, we did manage to get in a few games over the past week...

On Tuesday (23 January 2018) we played Lords of Waterdeep with the Scoundrels of Skullport expansion.

I got to play the Harpers and some secret master that gave me bonus points for Piety and Skullduggery quests.

Finnegan got the Lieutenant in the first round and kind of crushed it... I mean in a worker placement game where you have one more worker than everyone else for pretty much the ENTIRE GAME... well... you really better win!!

I thought I did pretty good for myself with five Piety quests and two Skulduggery quests....

But the kids did BETTER!  I was Lin last place with 110 points after all the final counts were done...

Later that evening we played Splendor with Amanda when I got home from taking The Girl to her dance class. At the start of the game Amanda was suggesting that they all "gang up" on me...? I'm not really sure how you can...? I mean if you watch VERY CAREFULLY what others are doing... and can guess what they're planning, I guess you could try and hoard the resource gems that they're wanting...? but you can only hold so many and I feel like in a game like this if you spend any time trying to thwart another player, it's only going to be time taken away from working towards your own goals...

I'm not sure why Amanda thought I needed to be ganged up on, I'm SURE she's won just as many - if not MORE - games of this than me...

Either they decided to take pity on me - because I had a HUGE headache - or headache-be-damned I was ON FIRE! Because I totally cleaned up! I ended the game with TWENTY points!? Fifteen usually ends the game - but I picked up that 4-point diamond and the 3 point 4 black/4white patron on the last turn for a total of 7 points.

On Thursday (25 January 2018) I played Legendary: a Marvel Deck-Building Game  with the kids.

We beat down Mole Man who was trying to steal weaponized plutonium.

All the Heroes we used were female - at The Girl's request. They kind of kicked ass. Finnegan ended up feeling like it was a bit "too easy"... I didn't mind - the game didn't last FOREVER!

Friday (26 January 2018) we had another crack at Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle Game Four...

...and lost.


There was talk of playing again over the weekend, but we just didn't get to it. Or any other game for that matter... We did a lot of TV and movie watching... Finished of Heroes Season Two and started in on Season Three. We also watched a few movies this past week: The Big Sick and Kindergarten Cop...

Despite all that, we HAVE been managing to get games ticked off our playlist for the year. With 30 games that we want to play (at least) five games each - that's 150 games we'd have to play throughout the year - minimum. Which equates to about 3 games per week we need to tick off our chart. As this is the fourth week of January we just finished and have played 11 games... Not bad, I say!

In Other News....

I did go in for an MRI on Saturday... but now have to wait for at least a week - as they said that's when the Neurologist will have the report... of course then I actually have to schedule an appointment with her... so, probably MORE than a week... Ugh... On the plus side, I haven't been feeling as dizzy the last couple weeks and even the head pressure seems to be subsiding... so maybe it was just nothing..? That's what I'm trying to tell myself anyway!

Because I ended up going for an MRI on Saturday I missed Freezerburn - my friend John's annual invitational boardgaming day I think I've made it to 3 of the last 7...? or 8...? Missed two for Medical Reasons... and I think I missed one (possibly two) other(s) because John insisted on sending my invite to an email address that I haven't used for years!?

I'm hoping to get in a game or gameS of 40K 8th and/or Shadow War: Armageddon sometime this week - Especially now that I've finished Amanda's Tau Pathfinder Kill Team.

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

A gen-u-ine wargaming after action report! Finnegan's Orks versus The Girls Harlequins...

After that...? Probably the Tallarn Roughrider Squad!


  1. "I'm not sure why Amanda thought I needed to be ganged up on, I'm SURE she's won just as many - if not MORE - games of this than me..."

    Classic misdirection technique. Amanda would make a great grifter / conwoman / stage magician.

    1. She has a really bad habit of , thought games - especially new ones, continually going on and on about how she "just doesn't get it!?" and how she's "Doing SO BAD!?" and complains about us that take time to think about what we're doing and trying to figure out the optimal move and then says something like "Well I have NO IDEA what I'm doing so I'll just.." [does random thing]. But then at the end, when points are counted up, she's all "Oh! HEE HEE! I guess I WON!?"

    2. Yup, total con job. "does random thing" isn't random at all.

    3. Or it really is just random - the problem I spend a lot of time trying to understand THE GAME and look at what everybody is doing and try to figure out what their optimal move is and plan accordingly, so when she does something genuinely random it trows my entire game...

      Or at least that's what I'd like to think I'm doing...

      Well that's the story and I'm sticking to it!
