Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Tallarn Roughriders

One more painting update for January...

I finally finished up the first squad of Tallarn Roughriders!

It's really freaking cold outside today (where I always take pictures - because the light is so much better!) - so I didn't mess around with setting up any terrain or shots from different angles and thus you cannot really make this out - but I added a lot of saddle bags and sacks and blanket rolls to try and make it look like these guys are going somewhere... or... perhaps... have BEEN somewhere..?

Is that what a small grouping of cavalry is called..? "Squad"...? Feels like an infantry term Squads form into platoons, which form into companies, which form into battalions, etc... But cavalry forces traditionally have Troops instead of platoons and Squadrons instead of companies...? Are cavalry formations broken down into things smaller than Troops? I feel like "File" might be right, but I can find no reference for it...?

Regardless, if 40K they're called "Squads". I think I have 28 of these, currently, which will nicely make three squads of nine each.

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

I'm supposed to be hosting a weekend campaign of Shadow War: Armageddon in just over two weeks... I guess I better get working on some of the stuff I planned to do for that... another Kill Team or two and some terrain. Maybe actually PLAY some games to familiarize ourselves with the rules!?

The campaign isn't taking place on Armageddon - so don't expect me to the cranking out promethium refineries or other sorts of urban sprawl or mechanicus industrial facilities... The campaign is taking place on Brind's World - the setting of all our recent games - previously occupied by a highly advanced, though long dead race, Kill Teams will be collecting Archaeotech caches rather than promethium stashes...


  1. Really like your tallarn rough riders, they look veterans!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain!

      I was looking at Victoria miniatures and they have a Lasgun in a rifle bucket - as part of a bike stowage kit - I'd love to put a bunch of those on... but the kits are $2.5 each - could get expensive outfitting the entire troop!

    2. Not sure I should have told you about Victoria miniatures, it could prove expensive!
      Best Iain

  2. Excellent! They do look like they mean business.

  3. Tallarn rough riders! Love them (and you have HOW many more?). I got some a while back to convert, but like 90% of projects they are still in the bag I sorted them into...

    1. Thanks!

      Yeah... I have another 18 of them... Two more units of nine.

      I kind of lucked into not one, but TWO large lots of Tallarn in the last year (in addition to a handful I already had). Both lots had a dozen or so Roughriders. Given what Tallarn sell for individually they were both insanely good deals.

      I'm surprised someone didn't buy them just to break them up and resell them! I guess they were big enough to scare anyone hoping to make a quick buck - it would have taken time to split them up and sell them individually and the size of the lots would have made them significant investments...? I don't know? Or maybe it was just that no one was paying attention those weeks and I got really lucky!

    2. Yes, large lots are really the way to get good deals on Ebay. (particularly if they are weird/confusing lots! I got a great deal on some Chaos stuff a while back. (also still unpainted of course)

  4. Super cool! Exploding lance-heads - what could possibly go wrong?

    1. I know, right? They should totally be able to charge tanks and that them out!
