Sunday, January 14, 2018

This Week's Games

I thought rather than an exhausting month round up I might do something more regular-like with the game reports... I started mentioning them with other posts, but don't really like that so perhaps I'll do a post about them weekly...? Or fortnightly...? I like the idea of fortnightly. But that's just because I like the word "fortnightly"...

We haven't really gotten in much gaming since last week...

Friday afternoon the kids and I did try out Harry Potter: Hogwart's Battle. The Girl had me pick this up for her on Boxing Day at Dragon's Den Games. She's been eyeing it up for a while... still a pretty big Harry Potter fan. 

We played through the first (of eight?) games/scenarios this afternoon - just to figure out the system -and planed to play through the actual campaign with Amanda later in the evening. I played Ron, Finnegan played Neville Longbottom, The Girl, of course, player Hermione Granger (and we decided we'd let Amanda play the glory-boy, Mr. Potter...). 

The game is a pretty straightforward co-op deck building game - much like Legendary. The first scenario was insanely easy - I think it would actually be difficult to LOSE that game - hopefully the next games will be a BIT more of a challenge. I'm guessing this is just to teach the game to newbs who may have not played this type of game before. The idea is that you play each game/scenario until you win it before moving on to the next.

In the evening we played through the first TWO games with Amanda. The second was significantly harder - nastier dark arts cards, nastier villains. But there was also a lot of new cool cards added to the deck we draft from - new allies, new spells, new items... These games are also going to take a LOT LONGER to play as you win by defeating all the villains, and each game adds new villains to the ones from all the previous games/scenarios! 

Saturday afternoon we met with some new friends to play some games and introduced them to 7 Wonders. It's rare I get to play it with seven players and is kind of a whole different game - as resources can end up pooled at the other end of the table!

Saturday EVENING my friend ran a one-shot of Numenera to introduce the system to us - well, to Amanda and myself - as all the others have played it before. It was fun enough, I guess. I am tired of fantasy dungeon crawls - and that's essentially what this scenario was. There are novel elements to the system, but not enough to give me the dreamy-eyed look that some people have gotten when they've tried to explain the game to me in the past and convince me that it's, like, the bestest game EV-AR!

Bob is planning to run a campaign on the off weeks when I'm not running Rogue Trader.

In Other News...

We finished watching Daredevil Season One last week and then started in on Agents of SHIELD Season Three. It's been so long since I saw the last season that I really couldn't remember much of what had happened. Normally I'd look up a synopsis, but couldn't be bothered and, for the most part, it didn't really matter...

The guy who is supposed to install the tile backsplash in our kitchen was to do them Thursday and Friday of last week - but was delayed because his truck's starter decided to give up the ghost Thursday morning... Hopefully he'll be here early this week and finish it all off...

Last week I also bid on an old Armorcast Warhound Titan model. Tried to snipe it actually... Someone else had the same plan though and were willing to bid higher, so... I lost that one... then I went and bid on ANOTHER one - which was a bit more... Then the seller of the first one made me a "Second Chance" offer (I guess the other bidder decided not to pay...?). Luckily I was outbid on the second one before the Second Chance offer expired and so I snapped it up! Then, because I'm that special kind of stupid, I bought an EPIC scale Warhound Titan - with the daft idea that I'd paint them both with the same scheme - so I could play with them in both scales... Because that seemed like a good idea at the time...

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Over the last few days I did finish up the Khorne Bloodhounds for Shadespire and a few more miniatures for 40K/Rogue Trader - I'll probably post some pictures of those tomorrow. Or... later today, as I just noticed it's just past midnight (in Saskatoon)...

I'm hoping to get back to playing some boardgames more regularly in the afternoons with the kids - chipping away at our 25x5 list (Harry Potter Hogwarts Battle is on that list, and though I supposed I could have ticked off three games... I only ticked off one for the games we played on Friday... The plan is to play through the campaign in the coming weeks, I'm sure we'll still get more than five plays - even if I only count the days we play it... probably won't get more than one play in a day for the rest of the campaign as I imagine the games will get much longer!)

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