Saturday, March 17, 2018

MORE Tallarn Infantry Squads

In the past week I managed to finish up TWO more squads of Tallarn Infantry....

Two Infantry Squads of Tallarn Infantry (miniatures from Games Workshop)

One Squad

The Other Squad

So now I have six Infantry Squads. This is enough to now field "Brigade Detachments" of Tallarn...

Now I just have to finish off two officers, a Command Squad, and two Roughriders for the tournament next weekend.

I think I have another six or so squads I COULD paint up at SOME point... We'll see how these turn out... But I'm starting to feel perhaps I went just a LITTLE overboard in my acquisition of Tallarn miniatures over the last couple years...

I also happened to finish up a Priest from the Adeptus Ministorium.

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Hopefully the rest of the stuff I need for the 1000 point list I'm planning to field at the tournament next week. (you can see said list here: Two More Weeks).


  1. Looking good!

    I'm sure you can finish what you need for the tournament. Nothing like a goal such as that to motivate and get things done!

    1. Cheers!

      I'm hit and miss with deadlines (whether hard or artificial - i.e. ones I just made up for myself)... sometimes they motivate me, sometimes I like the whooshing sound as they fly by!

  2. Lovely miniatures and such a fine paint job. Always dreamed of having a Tallarn army myself.

  3. Wow that's a lot of infantry. Looks great en masse though!

    1. ...and that's only about HALF of the ones I have to paint!? sometimes I'm a bit of an idiot about these things!

      Thanks Millsy!

  4. Great looking Tallarns and nice priest, you'll easily make your target at your speed!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain!

      Yeah, I should be okay - as long as I don't get DISTRACTED! Some new stuff arrived this week and new stuff is always more shiny than stuff you HAVE TO do...

      In the immortal words of Red Leader "Stay on Target! STAY ON TARGET!!!"

  5. They look so good! I got used to the geeen basing of the originals, but yours are superb.

  6. Lovely! And a fully sized real world company could be useful for other things besides 40k too.

    1. Thanks! I certainly hope so!

      Although, megalomaniac dreams aside, my actual gaming interests seem to be tending toward SMALLER actions these days...
