Monday, June 11, 2018

News from the Factorum

Last in, first out... Seems to be my motto these days.

You had to know I was just going to shove everything else to the side and just start assembling these...

I still haven't entirely made up my mind about which variants to build or how to paint them... but there is a lot that can be assembled before you have to make those sorts of final-ish decisions, so I thought I'd get started - in case inspiration strikes.

I noted in the comments of a previous post that there is an illustration of a freeblade in the new Imperial Knights Codex book the actually has it's carapace painted with a pattern similar to Great War German biplane camouflage - which I think looks pretty fab! I'm leaning towards doing something similar for at least one of them!

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Oh... probably this knight... Not like I'm going to shove it aside and say "Damn, I really want to paint those Napoleonic British Rifles that I have no other miniatures painted for them to join... or opponents for them to face... or even the rules I plan to paint with them..." (not that those reasons have ever stopped me from painting something before... when I was in the mood to paint the thing... but I'm in the mood to paint something else now, so...)

In other news... I kind of just bought enough Valhallans off eBay to fill out an entire force of them... well... a "Brigade" detachment... because, y'know... TWO Imperial Guard forces is just not enough!

Hey- maybe I'll do one of my Knights in whites and greys and blues to support the Valhallans and the other in yellows and browns to support the Tallarn...

Or maybe I'll just do them in CrAzY colours like the Warhound and field a Disco Dance Party of DEATH!


  1. Replies
    1. Oh, I will! just trying topic out some colours. But before that, I have to sort out what weapon load-outs to set them up with...

  2. Paint what inspires you at the moment. That's the only way I've found I get things done. Of course, inspiration is sometimes terror at not finishing a project in time...

    Are you suggesting imperial guard civil war? This reeks of heresy.

    1. It does get stuff done, and at least I'm mostly focused on the same game/faction at the moment (the plan for this year was to finish up Imperial forces - and, while these weren't part of the initial plan, they ARE for the same force...).

      No not suggesting civil war or anything - I'll just have troops that can operate in any environment.

  3. Of course you were going to do the Knights! Don't the Vallhalans make it three guard armies? Well you've wanted them for some time so all good!
    Best Iain

    1. It does make three...

      I'll have guard that can operate in all environments. I guess I have guard that can operate in any environment - but now I'll have guard that can operate COMFORTABLY in any environment. Well... other than vacuum...

      The Hunter's of the Warp (local 40K group) winter league last year - the first I signed up for - had a loose narrative behind it. It was all supposed to be taking place on an Ice World... I wondered, at the time, what I was to field...? I had my bare-chested Guaiacans at the time (Catachans), and was just starting the Tallarn. I considered quickly bashing together and painting up the KV-2s to field as "Ragnarok" tanks (with stats identical to a Leeman Russ) - So wished I had more than one squad of Valhallans at the time!

      I did write up some narrative fluff about the losses the Guaiacans were experiencing due to the cold and that the Department Munitorium didn't have cold weather gear to issue to them, they did have some sort of nasty chemical salve that they could rub into their muscles to stay warm. As it turned out, I never got to playing any games that league.

  4. Oooh - such decisions. So many options - you'll need more knights! Gotta say - the Warhound has such a striking design that it must be tempting to go that way again.

    Really looking forward to seeing how these turn out.

    1. Thanks Dave! It was really fun doing the Warhound, and I'd like to do some something really "flash" with these. It won't be a leopard spot pattern, but you can bet it will be vibrant and scream, "Oh, yeah, I'm over here! Come and get me muthafukkah!"

  5. Lozenge camouflage on the carapace would look pretty amazing, and there are some examples that used hexagons instead, which would be more "high tech" looking (and you could get masks to help paint that!) High tech would go well with the mechanicus sort of head and shoulders, and you could paint the rest of the model mostly metallic.

    If you go that way with #1, #2 could be über gothic instead with banners and skulls, black base paint, hazard striping, heraldry, and purity seals. That sort of dichotomy suggests that the "tech" one have guns, and that the "gothic" one has the close combat weapons and missile launcher.

    1. I've started painting the carapace on the first one and trying the hexagon camouflage. I'm not sure how it's going to turn out. Sometimes when I start painting something I know right away - "oh yeah, this is going to be awesome!" (like with the Warhound Titan!). Other times is more ' "I don't know about this..." and sometimes when it's done it turns out... others not so much. I'm feeling the "I don't know about this" with this first Knight... Which is worrisome because if it does turn out to be crap, repainting it is going to suck...

      Still haven't decided which weapons to use on them...

    2. Yeah, it is hard to commit to an idea that you are not 100% on, and with such a bit beast as a knight, that is a lot of painting!
