Monday, July 23, 2018

Bog Standard Cadian Infantry Squad

Contemplating the extrapolation of current events into near future modern conflicts for my new micro armour to engage in got a little to dreary for me - so I thought I'd cheer myself up by painting things for a brighter future - the grim, dark future of the 42st millennium...

A squad of bog-standard Cadian Infantry. The figures are old metal castings from Citadel Miniatures/Games Workshop.

I currently don't have any plans to put together an entire force of these for 40K. I'll have two regular squads and a veteran squad and two or three officers (each with a command squad)... Seems a bit excessive to have three officer and three command squads for a force of three infantry squads... alas, that is what I have... I also have a Chimera IFV I painted up for the old plastic Cadians I had (but then traded away). I really just wanted to use these with Role-playing games (Wrath & Glory, etc) or low-level skirmish engagements with 40L or Kill Team!

I have to say I'm pretty excited about Kill Team - which is available for pre-order and goes on sale this Saturday. Shadow War; Armageddon was a lot of fun, but I picked it up AFTER I picked up 8th edition 40K and felt it really could have waited and used some of the changes that were introduced in 8th edition. Well Kill Team is looking like it's pretty much now going to be that game I wished I had.

I'll be over at my FLGS (Dragon's Den Games in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada) bright and early on Saturday to pick up my copy... and the Sector Mechanicus Kill Zone... and some Data Cards... and Probably the Fangs of Ulrich - I don't really care for the Primaris Reavers... but I'm sure I'll make use of them. I do have a few other Space Marines in a box somewhere - including a few Space Wolves - that a friend found at a garage sale some time ago. I though I might knock a few off to have an extra Kill Team for someone else to play with. Also the kill team boxed sets are pretty good deals - costing less than the miniatures and terrain would cost when bought separately.

I think Finnegan's planing to pick up the Space Ork Kill Team as well and is going to trade me the Galvanic Servohaulers for the Genestealer Cultists in the base set - to add to the growing force of Genestealer cultists he started with Deathwatch: Overkill.

It seems likely that I'll be running this as a Demo at ToonCon and probably as the campaign for the Winter Wargaming Weekend in February.

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

I played a game of 40K with the family - a simple introductory game so Amanda could FINALLY try out here Sisters of Battle! I should have an report of that action sometime later today or tomorrow.

Speaking of Sisters of Battle and Kill Team - on thing I'm a little disappointed about with the new game is the notable absence of the Sisters as a playable faction!? What is up with that!? I'm sure they'll add them in at some point (I imagine they'll have a bunch of expansions like the Gang War books for Necromunda that) at the very latest next year when they release the NEW PLASTIC Sisters. One bonus of the new Kill Team is that it essentially uses the same stat line as regular 40K so despite there being limited troops that are available as options in the game (for Matched Play, at least). If you were running a game and really wanted to throw a chaos Sorcerer up against a Kill Team you probably could without too much muss and fuss... or if you really, REALLY wanted to play a Sisters of Battle Kill Team - you probably could figure out something for that as well - at least to play among friends that are okay with them being added in as a house rule...


  1. Ah proper Cadians !!!! Nicely painted and based.

  2. Hi Tim,
    These Cadians are one of my top two favorite Sci Fi minis of all time. Nicely done.
    I'm really excited about Kill Team as well. From the deployment gambits, the new turn sequence, and the campaign possibilities, it really looks great.

    1. Thank you, Major! I like them a lot too! Nice clean details, equipment that makes sense, what's not to like. From time to time I regret not going with the old school grey uniform with black armour...

  3. Nice work on the Cadians. With all the command figures and so few infantry figures, you could say they are divisional command, and put them in charge of the rest of your guard...

    I am also looking forward to Kill Team, and will be trying to lure a friend back into 40k with it (and getting myself back into 40k thereby as well!).

    1. Thanks! Hey there's an idea - the divisional command! I'll have to make some command vehicles. And maybe some Liaison officers from the various regiments. I'm not sure what area of operation you'd find Guaiacans (Catachans), Tallarn and Valhallans all fighting in (SOMEONE's going to be uncomfortable in that environment!).

  4. Nice looking Guardsmen! So no army just three command squads,I do get it that they're universal regulars for role play etc, I've got a very nearly painted space wolves army from when I stopped 40k,I liked the fluff and the black library books, the amount of semi painted get stuff in lofts must be huge!
    Best Iain

    1. thanks, Iain!

      I don't even want to think about the semi-painted unpainted stuff I've got squirrelled away in drawers that I picked up because I had some grand plan inspired by a book I read or movie I watched or just because they were a "good deal"...

  5. Great work Tim. I sure miss these old metal castings. The plastics which replaced them never lived up to their potential...

    1. Thanks Greg!

      I know, these have so much more character...

      These guys also seem to be wearing a full flack vest - that goes down to the waist. The newer Cadian armour looks like football pads - it only covers the upper half of the chest!? I guess the stomach, liver and intestines aren't all that necessary to protect in the 41st millennium as they are easily replaceable with vat grown or cybernetic replacements...?
