Monday, October 22, 2018

Space Hulk: Exterminate

On Sunday, Finnegan set up a game of Space Hulk for us to play while Amanda and The Girl were out. We had another go at Scenario #3: Exterminate. We played this back in August with me playing the Blood Angels Terminators and Finnegan playing the Genestealers. This time we switched things up and I played the Genestealers and he played the Terminators.


This scenario is played in up to fifteen rounds. To win the Genestealers have to kill all the Marines before the end of round fifteen. For the Marines to win, they have to either kill all Genestealers by the end of round fifteen or clear the board and be in position to block genestealers from coming onto the board (if a marine is positioned within 6 spaces of a Genestealer entry point, no Genestealers may be brought on at that point.


The Genestealers started with two blips on the table and got two per turn until they run out (10 turns - as there are 22 blip tokens).

The Marines get one squad of five terminators including
Sergeant Gideon (Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield)
Brother Leon (Assault Cannon and Power Fist)
Brother Noctis (Stormbolter and Power Fist)
Brother Scipio (Stormbolter and Power Fist)
Brother Omnio (Stormbolter and Power Fist)


The Lad getting things set up.

Battle Brothers Scipio and Omnio detect movement in their zone and set up overwatch positions.

Sergeant Gideon figures he and Brother Leon have things locked down in their sector and sends Brother Noctis to help Brothers Scipio and Omnio.

The Genestealers make their move - Brother Scipio mows them down with his storm bolter!

Detecting movement in their sector, Sergeant Gideon and Battle Brother Leon set up defensive positions.

"Prepare yourself, Brother! The enemy comes!" 

Brother Scipio is overwhelmed and lost...

Brother Omnio is also taken down just as Brother Noctis arrives. His situation looks dire.

After felling a half-dozen of the foul Genestealers, Sergeant Gideon is lost and Brother Leon is all alone in his sector....

This is less than halfway through the 15 turns, and I'm still getting reinforcements. I though the game would be all over... But Brother Leon held on - he began marching up and down the corridor - blasting all in his path...

...before turning and blasting all the Genestealers sneaking up behind him...

Genestealers coming at Brother Noctis from two directions!

Click! Click! Click! Brother Noctis' stormbolter jams!!

Brother Noctis quickly cleared the jam and tried to back into a room, so as to form a bottleneck through which the Genestealers would have to come at him one at a time.

Though he stood his ground bravely and slew many (well... a few...) Genestealers, Brother Noctis was eventually overwhelmed.

So it all came down to Brother Leon. AT this point, Finnegan's best hope was to bring it to a draw by surviving to the end of Turn 15... I think, at this point, we were at Turn Nine...

Bother Leon's Assault Cannon Buzzed loudly as it mowed down entire lines of Genestealers.

Having finished off Bother Noctis, the remaining Genestealers from that sector start moving up towards Brother Leon.

BZZZZZZZZT! Another line of Genestealers are mowed down in one direction, while another group tries to sneaky up behind Bother Leon....

Then Brother Leon turns to deal with those that would attack him from behind...

There were more than a few times I thought he was done for, but he just kept mowing down all that stood before him... !

Getting low on ammunition, and the genestealers just keep coming!


CLICK! CLICK! CLICK! CLICK! Eventually Brother Leon ran out of ammo for his assault cannon and the Genestealers finally got him!! I think it was Turn Thirteen!

In the game I believe 27 genestealers were killed - and Brother Leon accounted for 18 of those! I had only six left when we finally finished him off!

Another hard scenario for the Marines!

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog: 

Things have been dragging on the painting front. I haven't been super motivated to do much - a little tuned out from the last couple months of frenetic painting! I did finally assemble the Gellerpox Infected from the Rogue Trader Box and Magos Dalathrust, which I picked up, along with the Commanders Expansion for Kill Team on Saturday. I also have one of John's warbands for Shadespire on the workbench, which has been sitting half-painted for months now...

I've been wanting to get a little campaign for Kill Team started up, but life just keeps getting in the way. If not earlier, perhaps on Friday (If Wrath & Glory doesn't show up - the owner of my FLGS said he was given next Friday as a release date!!)

We have gotten in a few other games - so in a week I'll probably post a report of the other games we've played this month.


  1. Fun looking game,tough call if you're the terminators! After your manic period pre con it's not surprising you need a wee break!
    Best Iain

    1. The scenarios are all really hard - mostly for the Terminators - but also for the Genestealers. I had only six left at the end of the game of a total of 33 that came out during the game...? A little more luck on the Terminators side and it possibly could have gone the other way...?
