Thursday, December 20, 2018

MORE Grey Knights

I finished up a few more Grey Knights...

The lot of new ones. the dudes with incinerators are from that batch of ten or so that I got for $5. The extra guys with Nemesis Force Halberds I picked upon eBay to finish off two squads.

I have a Justicar and a Brotherhood champion that arrived this week still to paint as well (after I finish stripping the old paint off) as a Brother Captain in Terminator armour (who is just about finished - he required some converting, but is almost done). The Justicar will finish two squads and the Other two will give me some headquarters options so they can be fielded as a Patrol detachment.

I have to admit I actually just bought a SECOND Strike Squad or these older metal Grey Knights, and am on the lookout for a third so they could be fielded as "Battalion" detachment. I am a bit of an idiot - a month or so ago if you asked me if I would ever put together a force of Grey Knights, I probably would have laughed at you and asked "Why would I want to do that!?" All I can say is I'm a sucker for a good deal... Of course the good deals are never enough to field a complete force, so then I end up spending waaaaaaaaay more than I ever would have intended to get that good deal into a useable force... I should have stopped at the Kill Team...

I've done a little reorganizing of the original group, and repainting of a couple of shoulder pads and swapping one of the ones previously armed with an incinerator into the Purgation Squad. The Strike Squad now all have left shoulder pads that have a while background and the Purgation Squad all have left shoulder pads that are red. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the second Strike Squad. I did this to make them more easily identifiable. Do I pick NEW colours for the second (and possibly third) Strike Squads? Or do I just make them white like the first Strike Squad. So far my palette for this force has been metal, gold, red, and white... do I really WANT to introduce more colours? I guess I could use black and metal...? Or If I did white I could conceivable reorganize some of them into a single larger squad of ten - because they CAN be fielded in squads of ten - should the need occur...

The Purgation Squad: Justicar Brian, Brother James, Brother Robin, Brother Scott, and Brother Kyle.

The Strike Squad/Kill Team - so far Brother Blake, Brother Trevor, Brother Curtis, Brother Steve, and Brother Gordon. (The second incinerator is allowed in Kill Team, if fielding these for regular 40K, on of the incinerators will be swapped out for Justicar Jeff... when being used in Kill Team, one of the guys with the Nemesis Force halberds will be swapped out for Justicar Jeff.... y'know.. when I finish painting him...).

The whole force along with their Ordo Malleus Inquisitor and part of his retinue. (I've also recently picked up a few old metal Necromunda figures that I'm going to use as Inquisitorial acolytes - stay tuned for those!)

I've also done some taking stock of my 40K forces/projects I'm thinking about trying to finish up next year. In addition to Tallarn and Valhallan forces that need painting (and a few more Kill Teams... and a tonne of terrain...), I have an Aeldari craft world force - and I'm NINE miniatures away from being able to organize the force into a "Brigade" detachment for 40K (y'know, once they're all PAINTED!). Unfortunately they're not all of one type - I need 3 Howling Banshees, 1 Fire Dragon, 2 Warp Spiders, and 3 Swooping Hawks - ideally one of each of these being an exarch... So I've done some snooping on eBay - and the crazy thing is, in few cases, it would be cheaper for me to buy a full squad of FIVE than it would be to buy single figures!? But buying full squads would leave me in the same situation - with incomplete squads!? GAH!?

Other (not-so-40K) projects for the new year - finishing up French and English Seven Years War forces for Rebels and Patriots, a few forces for The Pikeman's Lament, and a couple Dwarf forces for Dragon Rampant.

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Probably the Brother Captain, Brotherhood Champion and Justicar Jeff. Not sure what I'm going to name the Captain and Champion yet...

After that...? Games!? More Minis!?

Maybe some background fluff for a Call of Cthulhu character I've been developing for a campaign I'll be playing in the new year....?

Of course once that Reaver Titan arrives, it will likely jump to the front of the queue!


  1. More great work on the grey knights. Are you going to make any of those teleporty squads? You could probably bitz buy the backpacks, and that's really the only difference.

    In that last shot, what is the figure at the bottom right? Non-GW? Maybe something from Lead adventure?

    I know what you mean about the eldar. I have a few figures I need to complete my own aspects (and then of course paint), but they are annoyingly difficult to get, unless you get the terrible 4th edition (?) figures.

    1. Yeah, that's a Lead Adventure mini from the Astropolis Kickstarter. I thought he made a really good Adeptus Mechanicus Explorator.

      Beyond maybe picking up a third, five-man Strike Squad, I really have no further plans for Grey Knights. They were initially just meant to be a Kill Team, which has kind of expanded into a small ally force for 40K simply because I had extra dudes with incinerators. The plan is to add them as allied detachment, attached to another imperial force (Astra Militarum or Inquisitorial) if it fit the narrative... No plans to expand them into a force of their own.

      I guess if I happened upon some cheap vehicles - rhinos and variants or Landraiders... I could give them some transport or heavy support... but they'd have to be a pretty amazing deal...

      The Eldar are all metal and a mix of different periods of production. A bunch aren't technically useable in 40K (at least not in a competitive "matched play army") as they're armed with stuff that Eldar just don'e use any more - las guns, melta guns, etc... I'm not sure which would be "4th edition" - I probably have a few...?

    2. Ah, 3rd edition figures

      Do 8th edition guardians still have storm squads? With close combat weapons and special weapons? Some of your older figures could go there, and I think there is a corsair squad that can take the lasguns etc. At the rate I am collecting and painting, I expect that 40k will be on 10th edition before I am done, so I have not been keeping track ;)

    3. If those are 3rd, they would be the most recent stuff I have. Most of my aspect warriors would then be 2nd. A lot of my stuff is "Rogue Trader era" - at least all those Guardians with weird weapons. I'll just use them in fun games and as RPG characters of NPCs. REALLY HOPING Wrath& Glory will show up at my FLGS soon now that all the pre-orders are FINALLY shipping!!

  2. Very nice brushwork and basing as well, Tim

  3. I get to be a Grey Knight. Yay!

    - Brother Gordon

    1. I was starting to think I should have gone with Justicar James and Brother Brian - not the other way around (as I did). But then I realized (or, hoped) that in the 41st millennium, the elite or the elite would probably be chosen based on their abilities to lead and fight and not their ability to alliterate...

  4. "not their ability to alliterate..." LOL

    Nice work as always, and so prodigious!

  5. I think you chose wisely, pretty sure alliteration was condemned as heretical by the Cadian Convention of the Conclave of Contemplative Cardinals, shortly after the Chaos Campaign of Karol the Curmudgeonly Cultist and his Cabal of Killer Creeps.

    1. Whew! Dodged that one! How bad would that have been if I had Grey Knights, the purest of the Pure, the elitest of elites, doing something condemned as heretical by the Cadian Convention of the Conclave of Contemplative Cardinals!?

      Cadia Stands!!

  6. What? I thought Cadia had been blown to smithereens by Abbadon (and his Artful Assemblage of Angry Archtraitors)! This constant GW retconning is hard to deal with.

    1. No I think it did blow up (but don't tell anyone - the commissars will get us!).

      "Cadia Stands" is kind of like saying "Remember the Alamo"... or something like that...?

      I think it used to be "Cadia Cavorts", until the Cadian Convention of the Conclave of Contemplative Cardinals came a long and ruined everyone's fun... er... I mean... "pointed out the obvious heresy in alliteration!!"

  7. I love that getting a bargain from someone who reckoned that no one wants lead anymore is turning into an accidental army!
    Best Iain

    1. NOT AN ARMY!!! an "allied detachment"!!!

      (but, yeah, I get what you're saying!)

      (The additional stuff I've had to pick up to make it into a patrol - and possibly "battalion - has been...well... less... of a bargain - but I suppose all of the stuff I've bought has been less than what it would have been to buy it new, so... still a BIT of a bargain...)
