Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The Farseer's Council

Well... Now I can field a "Battalion" detachment of Craftworld Eldar....

An Eldar Farseer and two Eldar Warlocks from Citadel Miniatures/Games Workshop

Farseer Thymiltelyir

"No, wait... it was THAT way! (Sorry guys, the runes were a little unclear...)"

Warlocks Adrellewi and Bro'wyn

"Ooooh! is that genuine Xoxigar Flyger pelt?"

"Yes it is!"

"Ooooh! So fashionable... wait... I thought you said you were a vegan...?

"Shut up!"

The "Battalion" Detachment. This includes:

Headquarters (2-3)
Farseer with Shuriken Pistol and Witchblade - Power Level 6/110 points
Warlock with Shuriken Pistol and Witchblade - Power Level 2/55 points
Warlock with Shuriken Pistol and Witchblade - Power Level 2/55 points

Troops (3-6)
Dire Avengers (5) with Avenger Shuiken Catapult and Plasma Grenades (Exarch has Shuriken Pistol and Dire sword) - Power Level 3/56 points
Rangers (5) with Shuriken Pistol and Ranger Long Rifle - Power Level 3/60 points
Rangers (5) with Shuriken Pistol and Ranger Long Rifle - Power Level 3/60 points

Total (so far):
Power Level: 19
Points: 396

I still have a couple Wraithlords, four Dark Reapers, seven Swooping Hawks, and eight or nine Warp Spiders to finish up to Brin this up to 1000 points. Still have four and a half weeks to go. No problem.

I've been working on some background fluff for my Aeldari Warhost - I hope to have something I can post in the near future.

It'd be fun to get these guys on the tabletop sometime soon. Maybe against one of the kids.... or I could team up with The Girl's Aeldari and battle against Finnegan's Orks.

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

More painting... probably... I still have Warp Spiders and Swooping Hawks and Dire Avengers and a pair of Wraith Lords all sitting on my workbench to paint up to finish off my 1000 point Warhost for the upcoming Battleforce: Recon tournament in April. Of course I also have a pile of Necromunda Gangers and a handful of Imperial troops still on the workbench as well...


  1. Pointing guy is my favorite farseer, and you have done a great job! Did you gem paint the "eyes" or is that a gloss coat? (or both?)

    Space Elf team up vs. Space Orks seems like a classic battle that needs to happen!

    1. Thanks!

      I "gem painted" the "eyes" on that Farseer.

      I have a second Farseer - it's a newer model and much BIGGER. I, too, like this classic model and his pose. Originally I thought the other might be my leader, and this Farseer might be an assistant or alternate. But now that I've painted him up, I believe this will be the leader of the Warhost. I'm not even sure if I want to paint the other one now...

      I have a figure from Hasslefree miniatures that I'm going to use as an Autarch, and a few more Warlocks, for additional Headquarters options. I also have two Phoenix Lords, Baharoth and Fuegan, but I'm not sure how often I'll use those, so they're pretty low priority on the list of things to paint.

      Just talking to the kids this morning about an Ork versus Eldar battle - they seem pretty excited.

    2. Sometimes the little guy is the true leader and he's smart enough to hire the big goons as distractions while he does the really dirty work.

  2. These look really nice and I can see them without the distraction of the background. Look very cool.

  3. Very nice! I laughed at the dialog.

    A space elf/space ork matchup sounds good.

    Have you heard of The Last Train sci-fi rules by Joseph McCullough (author of Frostgrave and Rangers of Shadow Deep and various other rules and books)? He did it as a side project to raise money for a charity - so you can download the rules for free and donate to the charity as you wish. The rules are designed to use a small number of figures of various sci-fi types and can be played solo (or co-op).
    See his blog at and look for the recent posts for The Last Train. I have no connection to it, but it sounds like a worthy project and fun game for people with an assortment of sci-fi minis.

    Apologies if I shouldn't post stuff like that in comments. I just thought it might be of interest.

    1. Thanks! Good to know someone read it and had a laugh!

      I had seen The Last Train post on Joe's blog (I'm also a follower). I thought about looking into it, but then didn't. I have so many games already that I just don't get around to playing.... (INCLUDING Frostgrave!) I decided I didn't need the (potential) distraction.

      I totally don't mind regular followers/commenters occasionally sharing something they think I (or other readers) might be interested in. It's when people that have never commented before post links to kickstarters that they are running and such that I delete and flag as spam.

  4. Lovely farseer and warlocks,classic!
    Best Iain
