Thursday, May 16, 2019

Painting Plans

It is, of course, the height of ridiculousness to think I could make a plan for what I'm going to paint ALL YEAR and expect I would actually stick to it.... ALL... YEAR.... I do recognize, however, that it is good to have SOME kind of plan and that I'm generally far more productive if I have a plan and am, more or less, sticking to it.

I was looking, recently, at the 2019 Painted Versus Purchased page I have listed over on the right under "Pages" and had a good look at the "Things I'd Like to Paint in 2019" list. Here is what was on that...

Reaver Battle Titan
Redemptionist Necromunda Gang
Imperial Knight Paladin
Imperial Knight Warden
Ratskin Necromunda Gang
Cawdor Necromunda Gang
Battle Sisters (~15 if them to finish off)
Tallarn (LOADs to do)
Valhallans (LOADs to do)
Craftworld Eldar (LOADs to do) - working on it!
Harlequins (Two Troupes and an Troupe Leader)
Grey Knights (Two Strike Squads and Castellan Crowe)
Drukhari Battalion (LOADs to do)
Rogue Trader Crew - Elucidian Star Striders
Gellerpox Mutants
Blackstone Fortress Heroes
Blackstone Fortress Adversaries
Imperialis Terrain (LOADs to do)
Mechanicus Terrain
Munitorum Terrain
Urban Conquest Terrain
Mice & Mystics Minis
British Regulars Rebels and Patriots Company
British Rangers Rebels and Patriots Company
French Regulars Rebels and Patriots Company
French de la Marine Rebels and Patriots Company
Soviet Modern Micro Armour
USMC Modern Micro Armour
Epic Eldar
Epic Imperial Guard
Epic Imperial Titans
Epic Marines
Epic Orks
Epic Chaos
Epic Squats

Only two items crossed off a rather lengthy list. The problem with it is Craftworld Eldar is ONE ITEM on that list - I'm never going to cross that off this year - or likely any of the items on the list - they are too vast in scope... So I started thinking about what I would like to paint this year... y'know... IF I had to pick, right now, what I had to paint for the rest of the year, AND was actually able to STICK TO IT!?

(The above list is no longer on the page, I've removed it and replaced it with a slightly more reasonable list below - something that I'll be able to cross items off of!)

I was thinking a squad or unit of 10-12 or a single vehicle per week is entirely do-able. The next five weeks... well... I'll be doing a bit more than that as I'm on a bit of a DEADLINE!

This week I've already completed 5 Rangers and 6 Wraithguard and still need to finish up 10 Dire Avengers over the weekend.

Next Five Weeks (before the Strange Bedfellows Tournament)

Week One - 12x Reavers
Week Two - 20x Hellions!?
Week Three - Succubus + 10x Wyches
Week Four - 10x Wyches
Week Five - 10x Wyches

After 23 June 2019, there are 28 weeks left in the year. So, I tried to think of 28 items (squads or units of 10-12 or a single vehicle) that I'd like to finish up. Right now, I'm feeling like finishing off the Asuryani - my Craftworld Eldar. In no particular order, here is what I'd have to do:

10x Rangers
10x Metal Guardians
10x Metal Guardians
(there are 80+ plastic ones that I'm not even thinking about at this time!)
10x Warp Spiders
8x Fire Dragons
7x Swooping Hawks
10x Striking Scorions
4x Phoenix Lords (Jain Zar, Fuegan, Baharaoth, and Karandras - I might be dreaming to think I could get all four done in one week... but whatevs...)
2x Warlocks + 1 Farseer
5x Dire Avengers
Falcon Grav Tank
Falcon Grav Tank
Tempest/Scorpion Heavy Grav Tank
Tempest/Scorpion Heavy Grav Tank
Revenant Titan
Phantom Titan

That's 17 Weeks right there... but DAMN, it'd all be DONE! And that would be 512 Power Level or 9500 points worth of options!! (Mind you almost 2/3 of that is the last four items on the list!)

What to do with the remaining 11 weeks...?

Well, I have harlequins still to finish up (if I want to stay focused on Aeldari forces)...
6x Harlequins
6x Harlequins
6x Harlequins
6x Harlequins

And I have some more of Amanda's Drukhari...
10x Wyches
10x Kabalites
10x Kabalites
5x Kabalites + Archon
10x Hellions
9x Reavers

This would finish off about 1900 points of Drukhari - enough for a pretty big game or lots of options for smaller games (which I like better anyway!)

I also have some stuff I've promised to paint for my friend John (at some point!?)...
Shadespire Skaven
Shadspire Dwarves
Space-Rat Kill Team (20)
Frostgrave Female Soldiers (22)

I'll probably get working on a few of these over the summer - mixing them in with the Eldar...

There are all the Blackstone Fortress minis I haven't painted yet...
9x Explorers (that might take more than a week...)
1x Chaos Lord + 2 Chaos Space Marines
4x Chaos Beastmen + 4 Negavolt Cultists
2x Rogue Psykers + 4x Spindle Drones
14x Traitor Guardsmen

AND there's all the Hellboy: the Boardgame stuff I was hoping to finish up BEFORE Xmas so we could play a campaign of that over the week between Xmas and New Years...
10x  Agent Miniatures
50+ Plastic Minion Miniatures
4-5x Plastic Boss Miniatures
PLUS all the stuff in the Box Full of Evil - that hasn't even been shipped yet! (That'll have to be a "Next Year Project")

Plus there are lots of other things on that initial list that might still distract me (because they are smaller items that might be nice to just finish off!!)
Ratskin Necromunda Gang
Cawdor Necromunda Gang
Van Saar Necromunda Gang
Karloth Valois and his zombie minions
Battle Sisters (~15 if them to finish off)
Grey Knights (Two Strike Squads and Castellan Crowe)
Rogue Trader Crew (Elucidian Star Striders)
Rogue Trader Gellerpox Mutants
Imperial Knight Paladin
Imperial Knight Warden

And NO END of terrain to finish up!? (Rogue Trader, Imperialis, Munitorum, Mechanicus, Wall or Martyrs, Urban Conquest, etc - plus loads of scratch build stuff I have in mind...)


I guess I need to just focus and get the stuff done for the tournament and then see how sick I am of painting Eldar or if it just gets more MORE fired up about finishing off the entire collection!

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Ten Dire Avengers seems most likely.


  1. Good grief!!! That's a lot of painting!

    1. Well... I'm not going to paint ALL of the stuff listed after the Eldar - that's all just stuff I might paint during the other 11 weeks...

  2. Good grief, for sure! Whatever happened to your nifty WWI project? Did you sell it? Box it up and forget it?

    1. Oh, I still have all the Great War stuff... Neither gone nor forgotten. It's all just sitting neatly in their drawers waiting for when my interests shift again and I make some time to build the terrain! Having to drop the project when I was so close to getting it all done for the 100th anniversary of Vimy Ridge was REALLY discouraging. it will take some time, but eventually I'll get back to it.

    2. I hope so. That was a neat project!
