Saturday, May 11, 2019

Strange Plans

There is another tournament coming up in town called "Strange Bedfellows) that I thought I might get in on. The format seems interesting - it's a four-player team tournament. Each team has four players, each of which brings 1000 points. There are three rounds, during each you will partner with each of your different teammates against two teammates from one of the other teams.

I got kind of excited thinking maybe the whole family could go! The Girl and I could play Asuryani (Craftworld eldar), Amanda could play her Drukhari, and I though perhaps between mine and The Girl's Harlequin forces we might be able to put together 1000 points for Finnegan to play with.

As it turns out Amanda's away that weekend, and The Girl and I have nowhere NEAR enough of the right Harlequin stuff to put together 1000 points of them. Partly because our forces of painted stuff are small, but mostly because the allowed detachments are pretty restrictive!

None of the regular detachments are allowed. Only these:

Initially, when I read the concept - four players, 100 points each - I thought "no problem, I just fielded  1000 point force at Battleforce Recon"... then I saw the detachments. Wow. What is up with that!?

At Battleforce Recon, for my 1000 points I fielded an entire Battalion - with a Farseer and two Warlocks (3HQ choices),  two squads of Dire Avengers and two squads of Rangers (4 Troops), a Squad of Banshees (1 Elite), a squad of Warp Spiders (1 Fast Attack), and THREE Wraithlords (3 Heavy Support)... Except for this tournament, the max I could have is two HQ and ONE Heavy Support... so I'd have to ditch two Wraithlords and a Warlock and NOT add anymore Elites or Fast Attack!? At first I wasn't sure how I was going to do that! Really BIG squads of Dire Avengers and Rangers...? Dedicated Transport for them all....? I am curious to see what others do...? Lots of high point, hard-hitting units and characters!?

Here is what I'm currently considering taking:

Base Detachment - Biel-Tim (as Biel-Tan)

HQ (1-2)

Troops (2-4)
Dire Avenger(10)
Dire Avenger (10)
Rangers (9)

Elites (0-1)
Wraithguard (6)

Fast Attack (0-1)
Warp Spiders (10)

Heavy Support (0-1)

Of that, so far, I have the Farseer, Warlock, 10 Dire Avengers, 5 Rangers, 10 Warp Spiders and the Wraithlord...

I only have to paint the six Wraithguard, 10 Dire Avengers, and technically I don't NEED to paint any Rangers... I could just use the other squad that I already have painted, but I'm probably going to paint five up to match the cloaks of one of the existing squads to have a complete units of Rangers in matching cloaks.

Earlier this week we sorted out The Girl's stuff and figured out a force she could bring:

Speartip Detachment

HQ (1)
Jain Zar

Troops (1-3)
Dire Avengers (10)
Rangers (9)

Elites (1-3)
Howling Banshees (9)
Howling Banshees (8)
Wraithblades (5)

Fast Attack (0-1)
Swooping Hawks (6)

So far she has Jain Zar, the Swooping Hawks, the Wraithblades and half of the Rangers and about a third of the Banshees needed.

She still needs to paint 10 Dire avengers, 4 Rangers, 11 Howling Banshees, and the Wraithlord.

As Amanda is going to be out of town, Finnegan is going to play Amanda's Drukhari. Here's what he's tentatively planning to bring:

Escort Detachment

HQ (1)
Lelith Hespirax

Troops (1-3)
3x Wyches (10)

Fast Attack (1-2)
Hellions (20)
Reavers (12)

So, here's where it gets a little stupid... NONE of those are painted... I have to paint all of them in the next six weeks - in addition to the stuff I need to finish up for my own force! (and, y'know, all the other stuff I have to do in life...).

The other succubus is thrown in there as we might change things up and use a generic succubus and use a different Wych Cult. Lileth Hespirax is from the Cult of Strife - which is okay, it gives everyone an extra attack in close assault on a turn when they charge or were charged... But we've also been looking at the Cult of Red Grief, which makes them like harlequins - can charge even if they've advanced! That could mean first turn charges for a lot of them! We shall see. If we changed it up, I'd have to add another wych to two or three of the squads

In total it's about 75 infantry (I've counted the Hellions as Infantry) and 12 Reaver Jet Bikes... So that's One week for the Reavers, and 15 infantry per week for the rest of the stuff.... I can totally do that!

The nice part is, when I'm done this, Amanda will have a painted 1000point force she'll now be able to play with! There really isn't a lot else to her army after that... another 10 Hellions, another 9 Reavers and aVenom. I think there is also an Archon and a small handful of Kabalites that could be assembled/painted unto join in... but we mostly play smaller games, so there's no NEED to get those done... 

We do need one more player with Aeldari to complete our team - Ideally that can field another "Base" Detachment or a "Fire Base" Detachment? I'm hoping my friend Other Tim will join us...

We also need a name for our team... The couple ideas I had off the top of my head were:

 Aeldari All-Stars
 Aeldari Apocalypse
 Aeldari Avalanche

Other Tim suggested Aeldari Alliterations or the Canadian Aeldari Association of Canada...

Finnegan suggested the Amazing Aeldari Awesomesocks!?

I don't know...

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Painted Eldar!!!


  1. That is a lot of painting you need to cram in!

    Why do the Girl and Amanda have forces based on standard GW bases, but you have yours on the flats? As "games master" I would have thought you would decree base uniformity ;)

    1. Their miniatures are their miniatures - they can base them however they like!

      I like the washers - but that's just me and really only for metal minis - and most of my minis are metal minis. washers for plastic minis just feels wrong. Almost all of their miniatures are plastic miniatures...

  2. Gotta go with Finnegan's suggestion.

    And yes, you can do it now that you have motivation.

    1. Oh, nothing motivates me like a deadline... (at least for painting minis! For other things I like the sound of deadlines - especially the WHOOSHING noise they make as they go flying by!).

  3. I feel kinda bad for pointing out your "purple helmet" issue, as you now seem to be leaning away from that for team names...

    1. Oh, the aspect shrines of my force remain the same!

      I was going for Alterations with Aeldari... what could I use there...?

      Aeldari Albino Asparagus?

      Aeldari Anklespankers?

      Apple-Headed Aeldari Admirals?

  4. "The Ad-hoc Assembly of the Awesome Association of Asuryani and Alternative Aeldari Against Ynnari Apostates and Anyone Else at All" - The AAAAAAAAYAAEA!

    1. aaaaaand BOOM - we have our new team name! Thanks for that!

  5. Best part is your abbreviated team name is also a great war cry!

    1. I know, right!? I will shout it every time I move, shoot or fight with a model from the Ad-hoc Assembly of the Awesome Association of Asuryani and Alternative Aeldari Against Ynnari Apostates and Anyone Else at Al - AAAAAAAAYAAEA!
