Tuesday, July 2, 2019

More Eldar Guardians and... Gretchin!?

More experimenting with Contrast paints - and mixing them with regular paints and coloured primers... I swear by the time I figure out the best way to do these Guardians to teach Keira how to do it... there won't be any for her to do it on... because I'll have done them all.

Asuryani Guardian Defenders of the Thaestalyrdaes Craftworld.

Now that I've done these... there are five left to do.... well assembled ones. She did say she has a few more to assemble. Definitely has a weapon platform, or two, to paint...

I really should get a picture of her entire force so far - It's gotten quite big - and there's a WRAITHKNIGHT!!

I did get Finnegan to finally assemble the rest of his Kroot assembled and I sprayed those with a bone colour - along with a bunch of his Genestealer Cult minis and a few Orks and Gretchin. I knocked off a few Gretchin yesterday just to see how fast I could... pretty fast actually

Old GW Gretchin.

I think a friend found these at a garage sale and passed them along...? We have a PILE of them - along with a bunch of Orks of the same vintage. I thought I might do some weapon swaps on some of the orks - because it would be easy to do and it would give them a bit of variety. These little guys... ehh... not so easy...

But, man, ARE they quick and easy to paint with the contrast paints! Everything here was painted with contrast paints over a bone primer (from Army Painter) - except the gun (which was painted with Oily Steel from Valejo, and washed with GW Nuln oil shade) and the base - which I did in our regular fashion (sand and three layers of brown).

I don't LOVE them... they look quite different from how I normally paint stuff (and I do like consistency!). But I don't hate the look of them at all - I'd MUCH rather see a horde of these coming at me across a table than a horde of unpainted plastic!!

Hopefully later this week we'll see the Kroot finished up and a bunch more of these Gretchin rolling off the workbench (I think we have FORTY of them!?). And hopefully it won't be all ME painting them!!!

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Well... eventually I'll get to the Necromunda stuff...


  1. Those Eldar are looking pretty good. When you do pin down a "recipe" let us know, particularly how you used the contrast paints.

    1. Thanks!

      I sprayed them with Army Painter Alien Purple. Gave them a wash with the Citadel Magos Purple Contrast paint. Washed the head with Shyish Purple. Painted the faceplate, weapon, and pants a bone-lile colour - it's from reaper - the name has worn off the label... Painted over (well more highlights) the Shyish purple wash on the helmet with Vallejo violet (as she thought the Shyest was "too dark"). The face paints for this one got a dot of Flesh Tearers Red Contrast paint (different squads will have different colours of faceplates). Sloshed the Gryph-hound orange on the weapon, painted the Akhelian Green on the pants (both contrast paints). Then I went over them and picked out a bunch of bumps on the armour and equipment that could be stones or gems or whatever and gave them dot of white or bone. then went back over them and put a dot of contrast paint on each - I use a few different colours for some variety... I think that's it...

      Stopped by and picked up some more Purple Spray (as I ran out trying it on some vehicles of mine) to get to work on some of the T'au and some blue-ish-grey spray to do some of Finnegan's ork Vehicles.

      Oh, and I picked up a Taurox... because... reasons...

    2. It sounds like a lot of work when I listed it all like that... but it really was pretty quick... I might have done abit of a touch up on some with some extra Magos Purple - in areas that needed a bit more shading... and I picked out a few spots on one or two to highlight with a purple that was pretty close to the Alien Purple spray to highlight areas where the was was a bit dark, but shouldn't have been...?

      Hope that's helpful...?

    3. Thanks Tim! Sounds like the contrast paint was mostly a heavy wash then? (if you are using it over purple)

      And Lol that you went to get paint but came home with a Taurox...

    4. Yes. I've found the contrast paints vary widely in opacity. the Magos Purple is VERY translucent - I think it's meant to be used over white or bone to look like Genestealer Cult flesh (actually I've used it for this very purpose on some of Finnegan's GSC minis and it looks really good!) Whereas the Shyish Purple is almost entirely opaque.

    5. Oh, I was planning to get the Taurox at some point in the not-to-distant future - as I've ordered a wheel-and-suspension-refit-kit from Victoria Miniatures (and according to the tracking it is in Canada now!! Should be here by the end of the week!). I'm going to make one more big purchase on Saturday, and by picking this up today (rather than on Saturday with all the Apocalypse stuff), I figured, might make Saturday's expenses look not-so-bad...?

  2. Both the eldar and the gretchin look good, even it it's not your usual painting style (which is also good and helps tie disparate minis together).
    Looking forward to seeing what you do with the vehicle.

    I like the "method to your madness", in buying some things now so upcoming purchases don't look so bad. :lol:

    1. Ha! I am a bit daft at times... okay... most of the time.

  3. Guardians and particularly the Gretchen have come out really well,it's helpful having you assess these paints,I don't think I'll be using them but always find different techniques interesting!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks! It has been really fun experimenting with these. And I'm excited to see what others do with them, and I hope the kids pick them up and start finishing up some of their forces with them... but I probably won't be painting too many of my own figures this way!
