Friday, July 5, 2019

Thaestalyrdaes Craftworld

Keira's Asuryani force has been growing a lot lately (especially with the push to get a few units completed for the Strange Bedfellows 40K Team tournament) and I've been meaning to get a picture of the complete force so far...

This represents a War Host of the Thaestalyrdaes Craftworld (using Biel-Tan rules)

What she has here is:

Jain Zar
Avatar of Khaine

10 Dire Avengers
10 Rangers
30 Guardian Defenders

20 Howling Banshees
5 Wraithblades

Fast Attack
6 Swooping Hawks

Heavy Support
1 Wraith Lord

Lord of War
1 Wraithknight

With the exception of the two units of Guardians I recently painted while experimenting with Contrast paints, there were all entirely painted by Keira.

This force could probably be fielded as three detachments - An Auxiliary Super Heavy Detachment (the Wraithknight), a Vanguard Detachment (Jain Zar leading all the Howling Banshees split into three units) and a Battalion Detachment (with all the rest).

Dammit.... I just realized I'm missing a mini from this picture - she has a warlock somewhere that's painted! I guess then it could be fielded as TWO Battalions - the Farseer and Warlock leading one and the Autarch and Avatar of Khaine leading another. One could simply include all the Guardians, the other all the remaining Aspect Warriors.

She has a few other things to paint up, including... Dark Reapers, Striking Scorpions, Warp Spiders, a few more Dire Avengers, a couple more Autachs and Warlocks, a Warlock skyrunner and a couple of regular Eldar on Jet Bikes and a few more Guardians and a couple of Weapons Platforms for the Guardians.

In addition to this Asuryani force, she also has Harlequins and is now starting a Ynnari force which includes the Triumvirate of Ynnead and a squad of Drukhari Wyches...

It will be interesting to see where she goes with this - especially now that she's interested in the Ynnead.

Also, it will be exciting to see the Wraithknight in action sometime - possibly this weekend when I pick up the new Apocalypse rules!

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Preparing for the APOCALYPSE (No, not on Necromunda...)


  1. Great looking force! The howling banshees work particularly well!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks!

      We're all pretty excited to see some of these elements (which have yet to see any action) hit the table this weekend!

  2. It is a nice looking (and nice sized) force!

    I keep thinking I should pull out all of my dwarves to see how they look all spread out at once on a table. That will take some work, and I wonder if my table is big enough.

    1. Goodness! That's a lot of Dwarves! I think you should give it a shot - I'd LOVE to see them all arrayed on the table!
