Friday, August 2, 2019

Kasrkin Storm Troopers and Necromunda Barriers

A handful of things rolling off the workbench as we roll into a long weekend her in Saskatchewan...

First, some old metal Kasrkin troops [ainted more like modern Tempestus Scions (which effectively replaced the Kasrkin in 8th edition... and maybe 7th...?)

I got these are part of the BIG IMPERIAL LOT I recently picked up, and, actually, most of these were already painted... and I didn't mind the paint job (it was well done and I thought was close enough to my own style that, with a bit of re-basing, would fit in well with my own minis). So that's all I've done is re-based these and finished ONE that was only partly painted. All the others were completely painted, but one was primed and the blue was painted and nothing else?! Weird that one out of the unit would be left unpainted!? So I tried to match the paint job on all the others... Can you tell which one it is?

Necromunda barriers. I'm just quickly cranking these out to get them done. I'd considered adding graphite and stuff... but I just want to get these done and on with painting miniatures and playing, hence the very basic paint job...

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

More Necromunda Barriers, probably - I have a second batch that I started and they're quick and easy, so I imagine they'll be the next thing finished...

I have SO MUCH OTHER STUFF cluttering the workbench at the moment - and even more stuff sitting in boxes piled all around the workbench - my focus is being pulled in 38 different directions all at once. MOST are smaller projects that have ended up on the workbench because "If I just finished these 2/3/5/8/10 an entire unit/formation/force would be totally complete!" I've got Eldar Banshees and Warlocks, Tallarn Heavy Weapons Teams, Valhallans, Sanctioned Psykers, Escher Gangers, Van Saar Gangers, Orlock Gangers, MORE Tempetus Scions/Kasrkins, SPACE RATS, Leman Russ TankS, a Taurox APC, Assorted Necromunda Bounty Hunters and Hive Scum, piles of Space Marines of all varieties, Drukhari, and probably piles of other stuff I can't even remember at the moment... I think it's time for a clear-off and some project triage!


  1. Front rank, the one on the right is my guess. But you did a good job of painting so it is hard to tell for sure.

    1. (It's actually one of the Melta Gun guys in the second rank... I'm not 100% sure which one myself! One of the two on the right - probably the one furthest to the right...?)

  2. I was thinking the one in the middle line, 2nd from the right (just over the left shoulder from the guy in front with the sword). Very subtle, but it could just be the lighting. Nice batch of troops.

    Barriers look useful, and don't need a fancy paint job.

  3. I can't tell which one, they all look great and I always really liked the figures, the barriers look useful,I'm also having difficulty focusing with lots of different projects and one unit that really wouldn't take long to finish if I concentrated on it for a short time,no chance of that then!
    Best Iain

  4. Great job Tim. Those Kasrkin are just fantastic sculpts, they look so cool. Well done.
