Saturday, September 21, 2019

An Unusual Assortment of Odd and Sundry Items

I've been painting. Some of it's been further experiments with Contrast® paints.

So... eight and a half years ago I bought a pile of these dirt cheap 1/35 scale Maschinen Krieger (Ma.K) models... and haven't really done anything with them. Through long and convoluted series of circumstances and thoughts and ideas, I got to working n a few of them this last week.

My general idea was that these could be part of a Rogue Trader's personal retinue. The equipment might be of Xenos origin - having been out beyond the imperium for so many years (decades... CENTURIES...!?) they've taken on equipment of xenos manufacture or design - to replace equipment that was lost or broke beyond repair along their journey. Either that or possibly a unit of mostly human mercenaries working in the employ of the T'au...?

I did try converting a few to incorporate actual 40k weapons... but they mostly ended up looking goofy. The most I've left with their original weaponry and just repainting and adding pilots to the ones that are opened up - like this one (which, unfortunately, is about a THRID of them!)

While doing a bit of the converting and priming and painting, I started working out the beginnings of a whole story behind the unit and of the Rogue Trader that employs them - I imagined a sort of arch-nemesis that is an Ordos Xenos inquisitor - after them because they truck with filthy xenos and use their tainted equipment and weapons... But the unit/Rogue Trader also has an ally that is an Ordo Hereticus or Malleus inquisitor - who has called upon the Unit/Rogue Trader for assistance in hunting down rogue psykers or possessed minions of chaos creatures with diabolical plans....

There are 24 of these walkers in total - 8 have open tops. I think I'll field them as four units of five (each with a leader with an open top) and the remaining four will be command or characters (they will also all have open tops). Probably make up some stats similar to Space Marine Dreadnoughts.

Fire and Ice! I can't remember where either of these guys came from. I know the Ice one I picked up in a bargain bin for a dollar some time ago... look like they might be fun golems or other creatures of fire and ice that could be conjured - or just exist - in some location a future party is passing though...

The ice guy was all mostly done with contrast paints.

Reaper Bones Mouslings - all painted with Contrast® paints. Turned out okay.

A Reaper Bones Dwarf wizard on a pony. Also painted with Contrast® paints.

Van Saar Juve. MORE experimenting with Contrast® paints. this won't be a member of my own Van Saar gang. They're all going to be in purple. I thought I'd do a little something different with this one - I have four or five of this exact figure, I'm not likely to ever need them all - especially since there are also OTHER Van Saar Juve I have (I think there are eight or nine in all!)

An assortment of odd scientific-fi figures. Not sure where any came from - other than some came from a bargain bin, others from lots of odd stuff off of eBay. I thought they's make some great Hive Scum in our Necromunda campaign(s).

Giant Rat - I think from Real PArtha...? Or maybe pre-slotta Citadel...? going one a pet for the Ratskins... or their quarry!

Reaper Bones halfling chef I thought I could use as a Necromunda Ratling "Slopper" - he claims he knows at least 49 delectable dishes he can prepare from raw Corpse starch and a few other easily obtainable spices and ingredients...

Wargames Foundry Street Violence ganger. I figure she'll see action with the Escher gangers - but may have a history. That jacket - did she used to run with house Delaque? Or did she steal it off of a dead Delaque Ganger...?

Two more recruits for my Delaque gang. Both are figures from Hasslefree miniatures. Originally I just did headswaps and painted them up - but they didn't look right. having a closer look I realized all the old Citadel Miniatures metal Delaqu gangers I had had popped/standing up collar on their jackets. So I scraped some paint off in appropriate areas and added some green stuff collars - and I redid the goggles I'd done the first time around. I'm not sure I love the goggles on these... but they're better than they were and I'm not going to start over on them as these are "good enough" for me...

The Beast from Below - a marker that can be added to the board in a Necromunda game - if anyone passes with in a certain distance of it, there is a chance they have disturbed the beast and it attacks!

Old "Epic scale" Asuryani jet bikes. I've been re-orging the epic forces for possible use with Warhammer 40000: Apocalypse.

MORE Epic Sale Eldar.

More on them in a moment or two...

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog: 

More about the Epic Eldar for Apocalypse.

later this weekend a game-a-day update and some Necromunda game reports!


  1. An impressive array of bits. I do like fire and ice - they've come up very nicely.

    1. Thanks Preacher! It's been fun to take a break and do some different stuff. Especially some stuff that's been haunting the edges of the painting table for so very, very long!

  2. A fun assortment sir sure!

    Ice dude is an old Dark Age Dragyri ice elemental, from way before CMON bought up the license.

  3. Yep, quite an assortment! Nice work, too!

    Of course, I especially like the mouslings, the dwarf wizard on the shaggy pony, and the halfling chef (his on his way to being camouflaged with all that "slop" on his apron! ha ha), and the "beast from below" (nice hazard marker!), but that's just because of my own interests. Everything looks good.
