Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Fall Plans

Over the long weekend we all sat down to go over our clandars and sort out schedules for school and work and other activities and appointments and such. Looks like it’s going to be a busy fall and winter with all the extra yoga and dance and music and theatre classes lined up. Keira is taking six - SIX! – dance classes and volunteering at another for dancers with special needs! Both kids are taking Improv. Amanda and I are both taking two dance classes (Irish for me, a Burlesque Group dance class for Amanda and we’re taking a Ballroom Dance class together!)… Cello… violin… Amanda’s teaching FOUR regular yoga classes… it’s a little crazy!

We did manage to set aside a few times a week for games, though – mostly on the weekends!


Friday Night is Boardgame night – Ostensibly a FAMILY boardgame night, but I’m not forcing anyone to play. The idea is to pick a game we’ll play on Friday evening, see who is interested in playing, if the kids aren’t I’ll see if other friends are interested. I’ve decided to further reduce the requirements for the 10x10 “Family” boardgame challenge to me (as it was MY idea) and at least ONE other family member… so it may be just me and Amanda finishing off that challenge… but whatever…

Saturday Afternoon, Finnegan is planning to continue running his D&D5E game. Currently there are SIX players (including Keira) – three guys, three girls! It gets a bit noisy when they ALL show up. 

(Finnegan is ALSO still playing in a D&D game on Alternating Tuesday evenings and will likely be involved in another through the tabletop games club at the local High School - he may be showing less interest in playing board and miniature games with his dad, but gaming is still the kids main passion - especially role-playing games and Four Against Darkness)

Saturday Night is going to be role-playing night. I really want to get a Wrath & Glory game going this fall. Keira has been wanting to run role-playing games for AGES and has amassed a pile of them (Shadowrun -5th Edition, Firefly RPG, Song of Ice and Fire RPG, Epyllion, and others) so I thought I’d alternate running games on Saturday evening with her.

Sunday Night – Skirmish Night – On Sundays I’m going to arbitrate (and play in) a Necromunda Dominion campaign for the family – starting this Sunday and running for thirteen weeks (rather than the suggested seven) - more on this shortly! I might run another one in the new year and open it up to other players.

I’m hoping to wrap the Necromunda campaign up by mid-December – right around the time all our activities will be wrapping up for the term. At that point, I’m hoping to run the family through a Blackstone fortress campaign and then, over the holidaze, I’m hoping we’ll play through a Hellboy campaign of sorts!

There will be a few evenings (or entire weekends!) where we miss the occasional game – like when Amanda and I attend plays at Persephone Theatre (we’ve been subscribers for some time). Actually, most weekends in October will be out. The first weekend is the Saskatoon International Burlesque Festival (which Amanda is involved in). The second weekend is my Necromunda gaming weekend – so there WILL still be gaming, but it will be ALL Necromunda! And the last weekend the Rosebud Burlesque Club will be putting on its annual Peek-a-Boo Halloween show over two evenings (which, again, Amanda is involved in). I’m sure there will be other things that come up… but it’s good to have some kind of a plan – otherwise NO gaming would happen ever!

For the last few years, in September, the kids and I have done a 30 days/30 games challenge. As general interest has waned a bit, I thought I’d just make it a personal challenge to play a game every day in September and hopefully the family will humour me enough to play a few of those with me. So far I played Nautilus with Amanda and Brent on Sunday (the 1st) as well as a game of Century: Golem Edition with Amanda (and then Amanda and Keira actually played Patchwork while I was making supper), and yesterday I played 7 Wonders Duel with Amanda. Tomorrow I’m heading over to Kurtis’ to play Perikles again with Brent and John and maybe Darrin. Not sure what or when I’ll get in a game today, or Thursday, but it shouldn’t be too hard to convince Keira to try out some of those little games she’s picked up over the last year or so and never had a chance to get them on the table, or try out all the different boards she got for Flash Point she picked up at the ToonCon game auction last year that are still in shrink wrap!


For the next five weeks, I’m going to be concentrating on painting up miniatures and terrain for Necromunda – for use in both the Dominion Campaign and the Necromunda gaming weekend I am hosting over the (Canadian) Thanksgiving weekend in October. I’m hoping I can finish up my Escher, Orlock, Van Saar and Ratskin gangs, as well as a gang of Chaos Cultists for John (made up of Mantic Games Vermyn) as a pile more walls.

After the Necromunda stuff is completed I’m going to start work on the Blackstone Fortress figures and Hellboy figures.

That should keep me busy enough – but I do have a few other projects lurking in the wings that I may do a little work on from time to time; I have TWO Imperial Knights that are very nearly finished and, darnit, I woud REALLY like to just have them finished off! There are nearly a dozen Imperial Guard vehicles – many of which are assembled – that I’d like to get painted over the fall/winter, even though I have no immediate use for them either. Those Eldar Titans… A bunch of Epic stuff… some other 6mm stuff (modern)… and much, much more… stuff I’ll work on when I need a break from the main projects.

Coming Soon to Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

A painting update of an assortment of odd and sundry items.

News and background for the Necromunda Dominion Campaign I’ll be running with the family this fall.

MORE Necromunda stuff!!!

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