Thursday, October 24, 2019

Foxy Wizard Vixen for Burrows and Badgers

I finished up the first of the critters I'm working on for Burrows and Badgers. Oddly, this isn't even for the warband I was planning for myself!? I'm working on a band of Highland Bunnies for myself. But I got it in my head to do some foxes for Amanda and somehow finished one of these first!?

She looks very friendly. I have a feeling all these critters are going to. Not sure why they'd be fighting each other... maybe they should all be friends and go on adventures together!?

I guess she is a FOX - a predator! And my warband is going to be made up of bunnies - FOOD! Not sure how excited Amanda is going to be about being the belligerent!?

(Who am I kidding, she is going to have a riot savaging my poor wee bunnies!)

The figure is based wooden peg doll that I've added milliput to. There is a wire armature under the staff and the arm holding the staff that was drilled into the peg.

Also a wire armature inside the tail that was drilled and glued into the peg.

The base on this one is a large metal washer, but I've since acquired a number of wooden discs to use for others.

I haven't really looked into war band construction that deeply to figure out what else I'd need to build. In my mind's eye I imagined a warrior or two (with sword and shield) and/or a ranger/archer type or two... Mind you, if I'm doing highland bunnies for my own warband, so maybe the rest should be in tricorne caps and red coats and carrying muskets!? (I believe there are rules for firearms in the game!?)

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog: 

I've been cleaning out the basement and done a complete sweep of the painting table and hobby room and putting EVERYTHING away so I can start fresh. Might be a few days before I get back to any painting or playing... Not sure what I'll be doing then. Hopefully back on track with THE PLAN and painting Necromunda stuff or Hellboy stuff...


  1. Speaking of Necromunda, did you see Dark Uprising??? that Terrain...

    This fox is very good! You really sold the sculpt with the paint work, particularly the fur which has a great texture. Maybe aiming at a D&D type group (fighter, ranger, rogue, wizard, cleric) is easier to start than churning out a bunch of soldiers?

    1. Thanks!

      I did see the Dark Uprising stuff this morning! Initially I was initially very excited - but then I got thinking about it and wondered - do I REALLY need TWO MORE gangs!? and, while the terrain looks really cook, I kind of made my own already... and I'm pretty happy with it. There are some mechanicus bits in there as well - which I already have.

      I think I'm going to "wait and see" on this one. See if the terrain bits are available separately. See how much they are...

      Oh, I've settled down on the MKAE EVERYTHING WITH PEG DOLLS madness. As you suggest, I'm going to start with a couple of small groups - but for Burrows and Badgers. Looking at the war band creation rules, the Fox Warband will probably have 4-5 foxes to begin with. And I probably will just do two with sword and shield (smallish, round shields) and two archers.

      I'll probably have a couple more bunnies - they're smaller and thus cheaper. Not sure if I'm going to do a wizard for them.... Not sure how I'd represent a wizard or shame when the rest are highlanders in kilts...

      The silly thing is - I have NO TERRAIN to use with these. I might have to knock out some quick simple stuff with cardboard and craft paint. Maybe I could make some tree stumps out of toilet paper rolls...?

    2. Home made terrain for sure!

      And the wizard could be just a guy with a beard and a staff with a great kilt.

    3. A bearded bunny...?

      [sounds of rusty cogs turning]

      y'know, that's not a bad idea. Thanks!

  2. Quite superb creative work going on here,wow! Look forward to seeing more...

    1. Thank you, Alan! Keira's gotten very excited about this again, now that I've finished this one. I have a feeling we'll be sitting down to work on a few within the week...

  3. You are very talented, Tim! Your fox looks great.

  4. Nicely done. I'm not so sure I'd abandon some of the advantages that the washers would provide: providing some bottom heft to keep them upright and letting you use magnetic sheets for storage and transportation.

    If I had a good way of cutting decently thick steel, I'd base all of my miniatures on metal.

    1. I suppose they do provide some stability...

      I can't say I'd ever use magnetic sheets for transportation. Or at least I cannot imagine myself doing so at this time. Never say "never"....

    2. All of my 6mm microarmour figures are on steel and I lined the bottom of the carry trays with magnetic sheets. They don't move around at all and that's kind of important for the infantry, who would otherwise be very vulnerable to damage.

  5. "If I had a good way of cutting decently thick steel, I'd base all of my miniatures on metal."

    Me, too!

    Excellent work on the fox wizard, Tim! If I didn't already know I would never have guessed it was based on a wooden peg, and the paint job, with the fur texture and other details, is brilliant.

  6. Sculpting came out really well! Lovely paint job as well!
    Best Iain
