Wednesday, December 4, 2019


Well I finally cleared of PART of the workbench and got going on some of the Hellboy miniatures - starting off with the Big Man himself- HELLBOY

Hellboy - from Mantic Games Hellboy: The Board Game

We kickstarted this back in... May...? of 2018...? and we decided it would be a collective Xmas gift to all of ourselves and we'd spend the Holidaze playing through all the scenarios... or.. at least some of them...

Amanda said it would be okay if I opened it up before hand to read the rules and GET THE MINIATURES PAINTED so we actually CAN play it over the holidaze... I know.. I know... boardgames can be played with unpainted miniatures... but not in my house!! (Well... SOME boardgames I do play with unpainted "miniatures" - like anything that comes with piles and piles of soft plastic 1/72-ish figures - not going to paint those... but anything with 28-32mm...? Yeah, those got to get painted!

I didn't want to just paint the base black... but I didn't really want to add any sand or foliage either - as ALL the adventure boards are interiors. So I kind of tried to replicate the simple colours and patterns on the board games floor tiles.

I'm not 100% sure what the bust is for just yet (because... painting... way more fun that reading rules!), but I thought I'd do it while doing the smaller figure - since I'd have the appropriate paints out and all...

Oh, it might be for representing target priority - instead of coloured discs and corresponding base clips! Just sort of figured that out on my own... maybe I SHOULD just finish reading the rules, though!

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

I DO still have a few Necromunda (and other 40K) items on the workbench that I may finish off... or may just move away to focus on the Hellboy stuff... So... More Necromunda or More Hellboy - on of the two!


  1. I'm not a Hellboy fan (nothing against it, I just never got into it), but it looks like you captured the look quite well! I think your floor tile painting on the base fits in well with the comic book aesthetic, too. I've seen a few people who painted the Christmas Hellboy.

    1. I did not get into Hellboy until long after it was out. In fact, I don't think I started reading them until BPRD came out - I stumbled across BPRD - Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defence - and figured that was right in my wheelhouse - and it was awesome... and then I realized it was all somehow related to Hellboy.

      I was aware of Hellboy's existence at that point, but had NO IDEA what it was about - I figured he was just another superhero - but an "edgy" indy superhero - like Spawn, or something (another comic whose existence I'm aware of, but really know nothing about...).

      Anyway, got very excited about Hellboy and the BPRD (the movies... meh...) and read a TONNE of the stuff a decade or so ago. Haven't really kept up with some of the later books. I'm just starting to reread through the comics I have now to get me primed for playing the game over the holidaze.

      I think the Xmas one was an add-on extra which we didn't opt for... there are already THREE different Hellboy minis in the set, and, really, one was enough... (Though Keira is really interested in the "Pankcakes" Hellboy).

    2. Finnegan has also read through all the graphic novels I have and Keira's read a few - so it really was a collective family (well... me and the kids) decision to kickstart it! I'm not sure if Amanda's ever read any of the series. There is a LOT of stuff out for it at this point - a bit daunting to figure out where to start!?

  2. 10 mins 40 seconds, an alternative to painting your bases if you are interested.

    1. Thanks Phil!

      I have to say, I just don't dig on clear acrylic bases... and I an't even begin to explain why!? I mean, I totally GET why they are so very popular with a lot of gamers - with other bases we car kind of "locked in" with some sort of terrain or another and it DOES look weird to have someone on a jungle base trooping through a space ship. It even kind of irritates me to see that and so I spend a TREMENDOUS (like, EXCESSIVELY tremendous!) amount of time trying to decide which way to finish off each miniatures base - taking into consideration all of the types of terrain it might be fielded in and which will be the most common and, oh man, it just goes on and on and on... It's just one of those weird metal blockages/biases I have.

      I certainly won't say "never" anymore... I mean, until a month or so ago I would have told you'd I'd NEVER put my own minis on plastic bases with black sides - and now look at me - or look at ALL of the miniatures I've painted rebased over the last month... But for now, I'm happy with the look of these simple colours and patterns I have planned.

      (Also, Amanda might just murder me if I spend anymore money on miniatures this year)

      (and I have less than three weeks to get these guys all DONE! Or, at least, enough of them to play a few games over the Holidaze!)

    2. HAHA Tim! You've got this! The year is almost over, then you get to start buying again as it will be 2020! Great work on Hellboy, I am just eyeing the core box in the stack of things at this point,...yes I know nothing new with me!

    3. Thanks Terry!

      Why am I not surprised you picked this up as well...? Did you kickstart the full-meal-deal...? DAMN there are a LOT of miniatures in the two big boxes!

    4. I did indeed! My thoughts are that I won't be doing any of the big named conventions in the States, so its better just to knuckle down & throw in for the lot..thus getting those supposed 'Kickstarter' only figures. Worst case is I eventually sell some of what I don't need. As you mentioned there are 3 versions of Hellboy...unless he gets different stats based on his 'level' thus needing the other miniature, does one really need all of them? Things to ponder for sure. I will be waiting to see your AAR's of the family games!

    5. There are different Agent Cards for each of the different Hellboy miniatures... Might have like to see some other agent options, personally, rather than MOAR HELLBOIZ!!! But that's me... The game IS called "HELLBOY"... so...
